Potential offtaker

Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp is a real estate services company based in the United States of America. The company specializes in providing high-quality real estate services to its clients in the form of property management, leasing, and sales. With a focus on sustainability and decarbonisation, the company has been at the forefront of adopting renewable energy solutions to reduce its carbon footprint and promote a cleaner environment.

Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp has been actively involved in the corporate energy sector, with a focus on reducing its carbon emissions and promoting the use of renewable energy. The company has implemented a range of measures to achieve this goal, including the installation of solar panels on its properties, the use of energy-efficient lighting and appliances, and the adoption of energy-efficient building designs.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp in the corporate energy sector is the implementation of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). PPAs are long-term contracts between a renewable energy provider and a company that commits to purchasing a certain amount of renewable energy over a specified period. Through these agreements, Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp has been able to source a significant amount of its energy from renewable sources, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and promoting the use of clean energy.

Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp has also been actively involved in the decarbonisation of its operations. Decarbonisation refers to the process of reducing carbon emissions from a company's operations, products, and services. Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp has implemented a range of measures to achieve this goal, including the use of electric vehicles for its property management operations, the adoption of energy-efficient building designs, and the implementation of recycling programs.

In addition to its efforts in the corporate energy and decarbonisation sectors, Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp has also been actively involved in the promotion of renewable energy. The company has been involved in a range of initiatives aimed at promoting the use of renewable energy, including the installation of solar panels on its properties, the promotion of energy-efficient building designs, and the implementation of recycling programs.

Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp has been recognized for its efforts in the renewable energy sector, receiving several awards and accolades for its sustainability initiatives. The company has been recognized for its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint, promoting the use of renewable energy, and implementing sustainable practices in its operations.

In conclusion, Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp is a real estate services company based in the United States of America that has been at the forefront of adopting renewable energy solutions to reduce its carbon footprint and promote a cleaner environment. The company has been actively involved in the corporate energy and decarbonisation sectors, implementing a range of measures to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote the use of clean energy. Through its initiatives, Georgetown Mews Owners' Corp has been able to source a significant amount of its energy from renewable sources, reducing its carbon emissions and promoting the use of sustainable practices in its operations.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's