Potential offtaker

Zen Internet Ltd


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Zen Internet Ltd is a UK-based IT services company that has been providing high-quality internet services to businesses and individuals since 1995. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint through various initiatives, including decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a critical component of Zen Internet's sustainability strategy. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions and is working towards achieving net-zero emissions by 2030. To achieve this goal, Zen Internet has implemented various measures, such as investing in energy-efficient technologies, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices among employees and customers.

Corporate energy is another area where Zen Internet is making significant strides. The company has implemented a range of energy-saving measures, such as upgrading lighting systems, installing smart meters, and using energy-efficient appliances. These initiatives have helped Zen Internet reduce its energy consumption and lower its carbon footprint.

Corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is another key area where Zen Internet is leading the way in sustainability. The company has signed a long-term agreement with a renewable energy provider to purchase renewable energy directly from the source. This allows Zen Internet to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and support the growth of renewable energy in the UK.

Renewable energy is a core focus for Zen Internet, and the company has invested heavily in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. Zen Internet has installed solar panels on its office buildings, which generate clean energy and reduce the company's reliance on grid electricity. The company has also invested in wind power projects, which provide renewable energy to the national grid and support the growth of the UK's renewable energy sector.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, Zen Internet is also committed to providing high-quality IT services to its customers. The company offers a range of internet services, including broadband, leased lines, and cloud hosting. Zen Internet's services are designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

One of the key features of Zen Internet's services is their reliability. The company has invested heavily in its infrastructure to ensure that its services are always available and that customers can rely on them to keep their businesses running smoothly. Zen Internet's broadband services, for example, are delivered over a high-speed fibre network, which provides fast and reliable internet connectivity to businesses across the UK.

Another important feature of Zen Internet's services is their flexibility. The company offers a range of packages to suit different business needs, from basic broadband packages to fully managed cloud hosting solutions. Zen Internet's services can be tailored to meet the specific needs of each customer, ensuring that they get the best possible value for their money.

Zen Internet's commitment to sustainability and high-quality IT services has earned the company a reputation as a leader in the UK's IT services sector. The company has won numerous awards for its services, including the Best Business ISP award at the 2020 ISPA Awards. Zen Internet's sustainability initiatives have also been recognised, with the company winning the Green Business of the Year award at the 2020 Business Leader Awards.

In conclusion, Zen Internet Ltd is a UK-based IT services company that is committed to sustainability and providing high-quality services to its customers. The company's focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy sets it apart from its competitors and positions it as a leader in the UK's IT services sector. Zen Internet's commitment to sustainability and high-quality services makes it an ideal partner for businesses that are looking for reliable and sustainable IT services.