Potential offtaker

Uludağ İçecek

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Uludağ İçecek is a Turkish company that operates in the Hotel & Motel sector. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented several initiatives to achieve this goal. Uludağ İçecek is a leader in decarbonisation and is actively working to reduce its carbon emissions through the use of renewable energy sources and corporate energy initiatives.

The company has implemented a number of measures to reduce its carbon footprint, including the use of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. Uludağ İçecek has also implemented a corporate energy program to reduce its energy consumption and improve its energy efficiency. The company has set ambitious targets for reducing its carbon emissions and is committed to achieving these targets through the use of renewable energy sources and other sustainable practices.

One of the key initiatives that Uludağ İçecek has implemented is the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy. PPAs are long-term contracts between a company and a renewable energy provider, which guarantee the purchase of a certain amount of renewable energy at a fixed price. By using PPAs, Uludağ İçecek is able to source renewable energy at a lower cost than traditional energy sources, while also reducing its carbon emissions.

Uludağ İçecek has also implemented a number of other initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, including the use of energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, the installation of solar panels on its buildings, and the implementation of a waste reduction program. The company is committed to reducing its energy consumption and improving its energy efficiency, and has set ambitious targets for achieving these goals.

In addition to its commitment to decarbonisation, Uludağ İçecek is also committed to sustainability and social responsibility. The company has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, including the use of sustainable packaging materials and the implementation of a recycling program. Uludağ İçecek is also committed to supporting local communities and has implemented a number of social responsibility initiatives, including the provision of education and training programs for local residents.

Uludağ İçecek is a leader in the Hotel & Motel sector in Turkey, and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainability. The company's commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy is reflected in its use of corporate PPAs and other sustainable practices, and it is well positioned to continue to lead the way in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment