Potential offtaker

Singita Lebomobo and Sweni Lodges

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Singita Lebombo and Sweni Lodges are two of the most luxurious lodges in South Africa, located in the heart of the Kruger National Park. Singita, which means "place of miracles" in Shangaan, is a conservation and ecotourism company that is dedicated to preserving Africa's wilderness and wildlife. The company is committed to decarbonisation and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. Singita Lebombo and Sweni Lodges are a testament to the company's commitment to sustainability and conservation.

One of the key initiatives that Singita has implemented is the use of renewable energy. The lodges are powered by solar panels and a battery storage system, which ensures that they are self-sufficient and not reliant on the grid. This not only reduces the lodges' carbon footprint but also ensures that they are not impacted by power outages or load shedding, which is a common occurrence in South Africa.

Singita has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy provider. This means that the lodges purchase their energy from a renewable energy provider, which further reduces their carbon footprint. The PPA also ensures that the lodges are supporting the growth of the renewable energy industry in South Africa.

In addition to renewable energy, Singita has implemented several other initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. The lodges have implemented a waste management system, which ensures that waste is recycled or disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. The lodges also use energy-efficient appliances and lighting, which reduces their energy consumption.

Singita is committed to corporate energy management and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its energy consumption. The lodges have implemented an energy management system, which monitors and controls energy usage. This ensures that energy is not wasted and that the lodges are operating as efficiently as possible.

Singita is also committed to decarbonisation and has implemented several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. The lodges have implemented a carbon offset programme, which ensures that the lodges are carbon neutral. This means that the lodges offset their carbon emissions by supporting renewable energy projects or other carbon reduction initiatives.

Singita is committed to sustainability and conservation and has implemented several initiatives to support these goals. The lodges have implemented a water conservation programme, which ensures that water is used efficiently and that water is not wasted. The lodges also support local communities and conservation projects, which ensures that the lodges are contributing to the conservation of Africa's wilderness and wildlife.

In conclusion, Singita Lebombo and Sweni Lodges are a testament to the company's commitment to sustainability and conservation. The lodges are powered by renewable energy, have implemented a corporate PPA, and have implemented several initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint. Singita is committed to corporate energy management and decarbonisation and has implemented several initiatives to support these goals. The lodges are a shining example of how luxury and sustainability can coexist and are a must-visit for anyone who wants to experience the beauty of Africa's wilderness and wildlife.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's