Potential offtaker

Ayyildiz Dokuma Kumas Pazarlama Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is a leading textile wholesaler based in Turkey. The company has been in operation for over two decades and has established itself as a trusted supplier of high-quality fabrics and textiles to customers across the globe. AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is committed to sustainability and has taken significant steps towards decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

Decarbonisation is a critical issue for businesses operating in the textile industry. The production of textiles is energy-intensive, and the use of fossil fuels for energy generation is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. recognises the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented a range of measures to achieve this goal.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is the adoption of corporate energy strategies. The company has implemented energy-efficient technologies and processes across its operations to reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency. This includes the installation of energy-efficient lighting, the use of high-efficiency motors, and the implementation of energy management systems.

In addition to these measures, AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. has also entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) for the procurement of renewable energy. PPAs are long-term contracts between businesses and renewable energy generators, which provide a stable and predictable source of renewable energy. By entering into these agreements, AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is supporting the growth of renewable energy and reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.

The adoption of renewable energy is a key part of AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S.'s sustainability strategy. The company has invested in renewable energy projects, including solar and wind power, to generate clean energy for its operations. By using renewable energy, AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is reducing its carbon footprint and contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is also committed to promoting sustainability throughout its supply chain. The company works closely with its suppliers to ensure that they adhere to sustainable practices and standards. This includes the use of sustainable materials, responsible water usage, and the reduction of waste and emissions.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is also focused on innovation and technology. The company has invested in state-of-the-art machinery and equipment to improve the quality and efficiency of its operations. This includes the use of digital technologies for design and production, which enables the company to respond quickly to changing customer demands.

AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is committed to providing its customers with high-quality products and services. The company offers a wide range of fabrics and textiles, including cotton, linen, silk, and wool. Its products are used in a variety of industries, including fashion, home furnishings, and hospitality.

The company's commitment to sustainability and innovation has earned it a reputation as a leader in the textile industry. AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. has received numerous awards and accolades for its sustainability efforts, including the Sustainable Textile Production Award and the Green Supply Chain Award.

In conclusion, AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is a leading textile wholesaler based in Turkey that is committed to sustainability and innovation. The company has taken significant steps towards decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy sources. Its sustainability efforts include the implementation of energy-efficient technologies and processes, the adoption of corporate power purchase agreements for the procurement of renewable energy, and the investment in renewable energy projects. AYYILDIZ DOKUMA KUMAS PAZ. SAN VE TIC. A.S. is also focused on innovation and technology, and offers a wide range of high-quality fabrics and textiles to customers across the globe.