Potential offtaker

Trench High Voltage Products Ltd., Shenyang


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. is a leading manufacturer of high voltage electrical components based in Shenyang, China. The company specializes in the design, development, and production of a wide range of electrical products, including transformers, switchgear, and other electrical equipment. With a strong focus on innovation and quality, Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. has established itself as a leading player in the electrical components sector in China and beyond.

As the world moves towards decarbonisation and renewable energy, Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. has been at the forefront of the transition. The company has recognized the importance of reducing carbon emissions and has taken several steps towards achieving this goal. One of the key initiatives undertaken by the company is the adoption of renewable energy sources for its operations. Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. has invested in solar power and wind energy to power its factories and reduce its carbon footprint.

In addition to renewable energy, Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. has also implemented corporate energy management programs to reduce its energy consumption and improve efficiency. The company has set targets for reducing energy consumption and has implemented measures such as energy-efficient lighting, HVAC systems, and equipment upgrades to achieve these targets.

Another important initiative undertaken by Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. is the adoption of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) for renewable energy. The company has entered into several long-term PPAs with renewable energy providers to ensure a reliable and sustainable source of energy for its operations. These agreements not only help the company reduce its carbon footprint but also provide cost savings and stability in energy prices.

Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. has also been actively involved in the development of renewable energy infrastructure in China. The company has partnered with local governments and renewable energy providers to develop wind and solar power projects in the region. These projects not only provide a source of renewable energy but also create employment opportunities and contribute to the local economy.

In addition to its commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy, Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. has also prioritized sustainability in its operations. The company has implemented sustainable practices in its manufacturing processes, such as reducing waste and recycling materials. Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. has also implemented a sustainability reporting framework to track and report on its sustainability performance.

Overall, Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. is a leading player in the electrical components sector in China, with a strong commitment to decarbonisation, renewable energy, and sustainability. The company's initiatives in these areas not only help reduce its carbon footprint but also contribute to the development of a sustainable energy infrastructure in China. With its focus on innovation and quality, Trench High Voltage Products Ltd. is well-positioned to continue its growth and success in the years to come.