Potential offtaker

Scanfil Oyj


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Scanfil Oyj is a Finnish company that operates in the Electrical Components sector, providing contract manufacturing services for various industries. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and decarbonisation, with a commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.

Corporate Energy and Decarbonisation

Scanfil Oyj recognizes the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented various measures to achieve this goal. The company has set targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and increase the use of renewable energy sources. In 2020, the company's emissions decreased by 10% compared to the previous year, and it aims to reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030.

To achieve its decarbonisation goals, Scanfil Oyj has implemented several measures, including energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, the use of renewable energy sources, and the optimization of its production processes. The company has also invested in electric vehicles and charging infrastructure to reduce its carbon emissions from transportation.

Corporate PPA and Renewable Energy

Scanfil Oyj has also signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to promote the use of renewable energy sources. The company has partnered with a Finnish energy company to purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) to offset its carbon emissions. The RECs are generated from wind and solar power projects, and the purchase of these certificates helps to support the development of new renewable energy projects.

In addition to purchasing RECs, Scanfil Oyj has also invested in on-site renewable energy sources. The company has installed solar panels on the roofs of its production facilities, which generate electricity to power its operations. The company also uses geothermal energy to heat its buildings, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.


Scanfil Oyj is a Finnish company that operates in the Electrical Components sector and provides contract manufacturing services for various industries. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and decarbonisation, with a commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.

To achieve its decarbonisation goals, Scanfil Oyj has implemented various measures, including energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, the use of renewable energy sources, and the optimization of its production processes. The company has also signed a corporate PPA to purchase renewable energy certificates and invested in on-site renewable energy sources such as solar panels and geothermal energy.

Overall, Scanfil Oyj is a company that is committed to sustainability and is taking proactive steps to reduce its carbon footprint and promote the use of renewable energy sources. The company's efforts to decarbonize its operations serve as an example for other companies in the Electrical Components sector and beyond.