Potential offtaker

Oriflame Cosmetics


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Oriflame Cosmetics is a Swiss-based company that operates in the packaged food sector. The company is committed to sustainability and has taken several measures to reduce its carbon footprint. Oriflame Cosmetics is aware of the impact of climate change and is taking steps to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. The company is committed to decarbonisation and is working towards reducing its carbon emissions to zero.

One of the ways Oriflame Cosmetics is reducing its carbon footprint is by investing in renewable energy. The company has installed solar panels on the roofs of its factories and offices, which generate clean energy. The solar panels have reduced the company's reliance on fossil fuels and have helped to reduce its carbon emissions. Oriflame Cosmetics is also exploring other renewable energy sources, such as wind and hydro power.

Another way Oriflame Cosmetics is reducing its carbon footprint is by implementing corporate energy management systems. The company has implemented energy management systems in its factories and offices, which help to identify areas where energy can be saved. The energy management systems have helped the company to reduce its energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Oriflame Cosmetics is also exploring the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to reduce its carbon footprint. A corporate PPA is an agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider, where the company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the provider. The renewable energy provider then delivers the energy to the company's facilities. By using corporate PPAs, Oriflame Cosmetics can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and increase its use of renewable energy.

In addition to its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, Oriflame Cosmetics is committed to sustainable packaging. The company has implemented a packaging strategy that focuses on reducing waste and increasing the use of sustainable materials. Oriflame Cosmetics is also exploring the use of biodegradable packaging materials, which will help to reduce the amount of waste generated by the company.

Oriflame Cosmetics is committed to sustainability and is taking steps to reduce its impact on the environment. The company's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint are commendable and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. By investing in renewable energy, implementing energy management systems, and exploring the use of corporate PPAs, Oriflame Cosmetics is setting an example for other companies to follow.

In conclusion, Oriflame Cosmetics is a Swiss-based company that operates in the packaged food sector. The company is committed to sustainability and is taking steps to reduce its carbon footprint. Oriflame Cosmetics is investing in renewable energy, implementing energy management systems, and exploring the use of corporate PPAs to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The company's efforts to reduce its impact on the environment are commendable and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability. Oriflame Cosmetics is setting an example for other companies to follow and is contributing to the global effort to combat climate change.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment