Potential offtaker

LUSH Handmade Cosmetics


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


LUSH Handmade Cosmetics is a Canadian company that specializes in producing and selling handmade cosmetics. The company was founded in 1995 by Mark Constantine and Liz Weir, who were both passionate about creating natural, ethical, and environmentally-friendly products.

LUSH has a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint and become carbon neutral by 2030. To achieve this goal, LUSH has implemented a range of measures to reduce its energy consumption and increase its use of renewable energy.

One of the key initiatives that LUSH has undertaken to reduce its carbon footprint is the implementation of a corporate energy strategy. This strategy involves the development and implementation of energy efficiency measures across all aspects of the business, from manufacturing to retail operations. LUSH has invested in energy-efficient equipment and lighting, and has implemented energy management systems to monitor and control energy use.

In addition to energy efficiency measures, LUSH has also invested in renewable energy. The company has installed solar panels on the roofs of its manufacturing facilities and retail stores, which generate clean energy and reduce the company's reliance on fossil fuels. LUSH has also entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers, which enable the company to purchase renewable energy directly from the source.

LUSH's commitment to renewable energy is reflected in its participation in the RE100 initiative, which is a global initiative that brings together companies committed to 100% renewable electricity. LUSH has committed to sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020, and has already achieved this goal in Canada and the UK.

LUSH's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation extends beyond its own operations. The company is also committed to working with its suppliers and partners to promote sustainable practices and reduce the environmental impact of its supply chain. LUSH has developed a range of sustainability initiatives, including the Sustainable Lush Fund, which provides funding to support sustainable agriculture and forestry projects.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, LUSH is also committed to ethical sourcing and production practices. The company sources its ingredients from suppliers who share its values and commitment to sustainability, and works closely with these suppliers to ensure that they meet the company's ethical and environmental standards. LUSH also operates a strict no-animal testing policy, and all of its products are cruelty-free.

LUSH's commitment to sustainability, decarbonisation, and ethical practices has earned the company a strong reputation as a leader in the cosmetics industry. The company has won numerous awards for its sustainability initiatives, including the Ethical Accreditation from The Good Shopping Guide, and has been recognized as a leader in sustainability by organizations such as the Carbon Trust.

In conclusion, LUSH Handmade Cosmetics is a Canadian company that is committed to sustainability, decarbonisation, and ethical practices. The company has implemented a range of measures to reduce its carbon footprint, including energy efficiency measures, renewable energy installations, and corporate power purchase agreements. LUSH's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its own operations, and the company works closely with its suppliers and partners to promote sustainable practices throughout its supply chain. With its strong commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, LUSH is a leader in the cosmetics industry and a model for other companies to follow.