Potential offtaker

Nippon Steel Trading Corporation


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is a leading Japanese trading company that operates in the steel producers sector. With a history spanning over 70 years, the company has established itself as a trusted partner to customers across the globe, providing high-quality steel products and services that meet their diverse needs.

In recent years, NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP has been actively pursuing decarbonisation initiatives, recognizing the urgent need to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As a major player in the steel industry, the company is well aware of the significant impact that its operations can have on the environment, and is committed to taking action to mitigate this impact.

One of the key ways in which NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is working to reduce its carbon footprint is through the implementation of corporate energy initiatives. By improving energy efficiency and reducing energy consumption across its operations, the company is able to lower its greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future.

In addition, NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP has also been exploring the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to support the development of renewable energy projects. By entering into long-term contracts to purchase renewable energy, the company is able to support the growth of the renewable energy sector and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Through its commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy, NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is demonstrating its leadership in the fight against climate change. By taking proactive steps to reduce its environmental impact, the company is setting an example for others in the steel industry to follow.

Corporate Energy Initiatives

NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP has implemented a range of corporate energy initiatives to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption across its operations. These initiatives include:

1. Energy Audits

The company conducts regular energy audits to identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved. By analyzing energy consumption data and identifying areas of waste, the company is able to develop targeted strategies to reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Energy Management Systems

NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP has implemented energy management systems (EMS) to monitor and control energy consumption across its operations. By using real-time data to optimize energy use, the company is able to reduce energy waste and lower its carbon footprint.

3. Energy-Efficient Technologies

The company has invested in energy-efficient technologies, such as LED lighting and high-efficiency HVAC systems, to reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Employee Engagement

NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP has implemented employee engagement programs to raise awareness about energy efficiency and encourage employees to take action to reduce energy consumption. By empowering employees to take ownership of energy efficiency, the company is able to achieve significant reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Corporate Power Purchase Agreements

In addition to its corporate energy initiatives, NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP has also been exploring the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to support the development of renewable energy projects. By entering into long-term contracts to purchase renewable energy, the company is able to support the growth of the renewable energy sector and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP has already signed several corporate PPAs to support the development of renewable energy projects in Japan. These agreements have enabled the company to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price, providing stability and predictability in its energy costs.

The company is also exploring the use of international corporate PPAs to support the development of renewable energy projects in other countries. By partnering with renewable energy developers in other countries, NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is able to support the growth of the renewable energy sector globally and reduce its carbon footprint.

Renewable Energy

NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is committed to supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels. In addition to its corporate PPAs, the company is also exploring other ways to support the development of renewable energy projects.

One of the key ways in which NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector is through its investment in renewable energy companies. The company has made several strategic investments in renewable energy companies, providing capital to support their growth and development.

In addition, NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is also exploring the use of renewable energy in its own operations. The company has already installed solar panels at several of its facilities, generating renewable energy to power its operations.


NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP is a leading Japanese trading company that is committed to decarbonisation and the development of renewable energy. Through its corporate energy initiatives, corporate PPAs, and investment in renewable energy companies, the company is demonstrating its leadership in the fight against climate change.

As a major player in the steel industry, NIPPON STEEL TRADING CORP recognizes the significant impact that its operations can have on the environment. By taking proactive steps to reduce its carbon footprint and support the growth of the renewable energy sector, the company is setting an example for others in the industry to follow.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment