Potential offtaker

Badische Stahlwerke GmbH


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Badische Stahlwerke GmbH (BSW) is a German company that operates in the Steel Producers sector. Founded in 1968, BSW has established itself as a leading manufacturer of high-quality steel products, catering to a diverse range of industries. The company is headquartered in Kehl, Germany, and has several production sites across the country.

BSW has been at the forefront of the decarbonisation movement in the steel industry. The company has recognised the need to reduce its carbon footprint and has taken several measures to achieve this goal. BSW has invested heavily in research and development to develop new technologies that can reduce emissions during the steelmaking process. The company has also implemented various energy-efficient measures to reduce its energy consumption.

One of the key initiatives taken by BSW in this regard is the use of renewable energy. The company has installed several renewable energy systems, including wind turbines and solar panels, at its production sites. These systems generate clean energy, which is used to power the company's operations. BSW has also entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers, which has enabled the company to procure renewable energy at a lower cost.

BSW has also implemented several energy-efficient measures at its production sites. The company has introduced energy-efficient lighting systems, upgraded its equipment to more energy-efficient models, and implemented energy management systems to monitor and optimise its energy consumption. These measures have not only helped the company reduce its carbon footprint but have also resulted in significant cost savings.

Corporate energy management is another area where BSW has made significant progress. The company has implemented a comprehensive energy management system that enables it to monitor and manage its energy consumption effectively. BSW has also established an energy management team that is responsible for identifying opportunities to reduce energy consumption and implementing energy-efficient measures across the company.

In addition to its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, BSW has also been actively involved in promoting decarbonisation in the steel industry. The company is a member of several industry associations, including the German Steel Federation and the European Steel Association, and has been actively involved in advocating for policies that promote decarbonisation. BSW has also collaborated with other companies in the industry to develop new technologies and processes that can reduce emissions.

Overall, BSW has demonstrated a strong commitment to decarbonisation and has taken several measures to reduce its carbon footprint. The company's efforts to use renewable energy, implement energy-efficient measures, and promote decarbonisation in the steel industry have positioned it as a leader in sustainability.

In conclusion, Badische Stahlwerke GmbH is a German company that operates in the Steel Producers sector. The company has recognised the need to reduce its carbon footprint and has taken several measures to achieve this goal. BSW has invested heavily in research and development to develop new technologies that can reduce emissions during the steelmaking process. The company has also implemented various energy-efficient measures to reduce its energy consumption. BSW has demonstrated a strong commitment to decarbonisation and has positioned itself as a leader in sustainability.