Potential offtaker

LondonMetric Property PLC


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


LondonMetric Property PLC is a leading real estate investment trust (REIT) that operates in the multi-asset class sector in the United Kingdom. The company has a diversified portfolio of properties, including retail, logistics, and offices, with a focus on high-quality assets in strategic locations. LondonMetric Property PLC has a strong track record of delivering sustainable returns to its shareholders through active management and strategic acquisitions.

Decarbonisation is a key priority for LondonMetric Property PLC, and the company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint. The company is committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, in line with the UK government's target. To achieve this goal, LondonMetric Property PLC is implementing a range of measures to reduce its energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy.

Corporate energy is a critical aspect of LondonMetric Property PLC's sustainability strategy. The company is working to optimize its energy usage across its portfolio of properties, including implementing energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and investing in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. LondonMetric Property PLC is also exploring the use of energy storage solutions to help manage its energy consumption more effectively.

Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) are another important tool in LondonMetric Property PLC's decarbonisation strategy. The company has signed several long-term PPAs with renewable energy providers to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy. These agreements help to reduce the company's reliance on fossil fuels and support the development of new renewable energy projects.

Renewable energy is a key focus area for LondonMetric Property PLC, and the company is investing in a range of renewable energy technologies to reduce its carbon footprint. The company has installed solar panels on several of its properties, which generate clean energy and reduce the building's energy costs. LondonMetric Property PLC is also exploring the use of other renewable energy sources, such as wind power and biomass, to further reduce its carbon emissions.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, LondonMetric Property PLC is committed to delivering value to its shareholders through active management and strategic acquisitions. The company has a strong track record of identifying high-quality assets in strategic locations and adding value through active management. LondonMetric Property PLC's diversified portfolio of properties provides a stable income stream and potential for capital growth.

In conclusion, LondonMetric Property PLC is a leading REIT in the United Kingdom's multi-asset class sector, with a strong focus on sustainability and decarbonisation. The company is committed to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and is implementing a range of measures to reduce its energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy. LondonMetric Property PLC's diversified portfolio of properties provides a stable income stream and potential for capital growth, making it an attractive investment opportunity for those looking to invest in sustainable real estate.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment