Potential offtaker

Instone Real Estate Group SE


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Instone Real Estate Group SE is a leading residential real estate developer in Germany, operating in the Residential Owners & Developers sector. The company has a strong track record of developing high-quality residential properties that meet the needs of a diverse range of customers. Instone Real Estate Group SE is committed to sustainable development and has made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through decarbonisation initiatives and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Instone Real Estate Group SE has taken a proactive approach to reducing its carbon footprint. The company has implemented a range of decarbonisation initiatives, including the use of energy-efficient building materials, the installation of energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, and the implementation of waste reduction programs. These initiatives have helped the company to reduce its carbon emissions and improve its overall sustainability performance.

In addition to its decarbonisation initiatives, Instone Real Estate Group SE has also made significant investments in corporate energy programs. The company has implemented a range of measures to reduce its energy consumption, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting systems, the use of renewable energy sources, and the implementation of energy management systems. These programs have helped the company to reduce its energy costs and improve its overall energy efficiency.

One of the key initiatives that Instone Real Estate Group SE has implemented to reduce its carbon footprint is the adoption of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). PPAs allow companies to purchase renewable energy directly from renewable energy generators, rather than relying on traditional energy sources. This approach helps to reduce the company's carbon emissions and support the development of renewable energy infrastructure.

Instone Real Estate Group SE has been a strong advocate for the adoption of renewable energy sources. The company has made significant investments in renewable energy projects, including wind and solar power projects. These investments have helped to support the development of renewable energy infrastructure in Germany and have helped to reduce the company's carbon footprint.

In addition to its renewable energy investments, Instone Real Estate Group SE has also implemented a range of other sustainability initiatives. The company has implemented waste reduction programs, water conservation programs, and sustainable transportation programs. These initiatives have helped the company to reduce its environmental impact and improve its overall sustainability performance.

Instone Real Estate Group SE has also been recognized for its sustainability performance. The company has received several awards for its sustainability initiatives, including the German Sustainability Award and the European Business Award for the Environment. These awards recognize the company's commitment to sustainable development and its efforts to reduce its environmental impact.

In conclusion, Instone Real Estate Group SE is a leading residential real estate developer in Germany, operating in the Residential Owners & Developers sector. The company is committed to sustainable development and has made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through decarbonisation initiatives and the adoption of renewable energy sources. The company has implemented a range of sustainability initiatives, including waste reduction programs, water conservation programs, and sustainable transportation programs. Instone Real Estate Group SE has been recognized for its sustainability performance and is a leader in the adoption of renewable energy sources in the real estate industry.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment