Potential offtaker


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Vivens is a leading insurance broker and service provider based in France. The company has been operating for over 50 years and has established a strong reputation for providing innovative and reliable insurance solutions to its clients. Vivens is committed to sustainability and has taken several initiatives to promote decarbonisation and the adoption of renewable energy sources.

Corporate energy is a key area of focus for Vivens. The company recognizes that energy consumption is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint. To achieve this, Vivens has implemented several measures to optimize energy use in its operations. For instance, the company has invested in energy-efficient equipment and lighting systems, and has implemented a comprehensive energy management system to monitor and control energy consumption.

Vivens has also embraced corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) as a means of promoting renewable energy. PPAs are long-term contracts between a company and a renewable energy producer, whereby the company agrees to purchase a specified amount of renewable energy at a fixed price. By entering into PPAs, Vivens is able to support the development of renewable energy projects and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The company has already signed several PPAs with wind and solar energy producers, and is actively seeking new opportunities to increase its renewable energy procurement.

In addition to promoting renewable energy through PPAs, Vivens is also exploring other avenues for decarbonisation. The company has launched a comprehensive sustainability program that includes initiatives such as energy efficiency improvements, waste reduction, and sustainable transportation. Vivens has also set ambitious targets for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, and regularly reports on its progress towards these goals.

Vivens is committed to helping its clients navigate the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of sustainability and decarbonisation. The company offers a range of insurance products and services that are designed to help clients manage their environmental risks and promote sustainable practices. For instance, Vivens provides insurance coverage for renewable energy projects, as well as liability insurance for companies that operate in environmentally sensitive industries. The company also offers risk management consulting services to help clients identify and mitigate their environmental risks.

Vivens is a member of several industry associations and initiatives that promote sustainability and decarbonisation. For instance, the company is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, a voluntary initiative that encourages companies to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and practices. Vivens is also a member of the Climate Group's RE100 initiative, which is committed to accelerating the adoption of renewable energy by businesses worldwide.

Vivens is committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and has implemented several measures to promote social and environmental sustainability. The company has a comprehensive corporate social responsibility (CSR) program that includes initiatives such as employee volunteerism, charitable giving, and community engagement. Vivens also has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and has implemented several programs to promote gender equality and support the professional development of women in the workplace.

In conclusion, Vivens is a leading insurance broker and service provider that is committed to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has implemented several measures to optimize energy use, promote renewable energy, and reduce its carbon footprint. Vivens offers a range of insurance products and services that are designed to help clients manage their environmental risks and promote sustainable practices. The company is a member of several industry associations and initiatives that promote sustainability and social responsibility. Vivens is a responsible corporate citizen that is committed to making a positive impact on the environment and society.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's