Potential offtaker

Teejay India Private Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Teejay India Private Limited is a leading fabric manufacturer based in India. The company has been in operation for over two decades and has established a strong reputation for producing high-quality fabrics for both domestic and international markets. With a focus on sustainability, Teejay India Private Limited has been at the forefront of decarbonisation and renewable energy initiatives in the fabric sector.

The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in its corporate energy strategy. Teejay India Private Limited has implemented a range of energy-efficient measures across its operations, including the installation of solar panels and LED lighting. These initiatives have not only reduced the company's carbon footprint but have also resulted in significant cost savings.

In addition to these measures, Teejay India Private Limited has also entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) for renewable energy. Through these agreements, the company sources a significant portion of its energy needs from renewable sources such as wind and solar. This not only supports the growth of the renewable energy sector but also ensures that Teejay India Private Limited's operations are powered by clean energy.

The company's commitment to renewable energy is further demonstrated by its investment in a 5 MW solar power plant. The plant, located in the state of Tamil Nadu, generates clean energy that is used to power Teejay India Private Limited's operations. The solar power plant has also enabled the company to reduce its reliance on grid electricity, which is often generated from fossil fuels.

Teejay India Private Limited's focus on sustainability extends beyond its energy strategy. The company has implemented a range of measures to reduce its environmental impact, including the use of eco-friendly dyes and chemicals in its production processes. The company also has a comprehensive waste management system in place, which includes the recycling of waste materials and the use of biodegradable packaging.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, Teejay India Private Limited has also established a strong reputation for producing high-quality fabrics. The company's product range includes a variety of fabrics, including cotton, polyester, and viscose. Teejay India Private Limited's fabrics are used in a range of applications, including apparel, home textiles, and industrial textiles.

The company's commitment to quality is evident in its state-of-the-art production facilities. Teejay India Private Limited's manufacturing facilities are equipped with the latest technology and machinery, which enables the company to produce fabrics of the highest quality. The company also has a dedicated research and development team, which is constantly working to develop new and innovative fabrics that meet the changing needs of its customers.

Teejay India Private Limited's commitment to sustainability and quality has earned the company numerous accolades and awards. In 2020, the company was awarded the 'Greentech Environment Excellence Award' for its sustainability initiatives. The award recognizes companies that have made significant contributions to environmental sustainability through their business practices.

In conclusion, Teejay India Private Limited is a leading fabric manufacturer based in India that has established a strong reputation for producing high-quality fabrics. The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in its corporate energy strategy, which includes the use of renewable energy and energy-efficient measures. Teejay India Private Limited's focus on sustainability extends beyond its energy strategy and includes measures to reduce its environmental impact. The company's commitment to quality is evident in its state-of-the-art production facilities and dedicated research and development team. Teejay India Private Limited's commitment to sustainability and quality has earned the company numerous accolades and awards, making it a leader in the fabric sector.