Potential offtaker

Taiwan Mobile


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Taiwan Mobile is a leading wireless service provider in Taiwan, offering a range of mobile communication services to its customers. The company was founded in 1997 and has since grown to become one of the largest telecommunications companies in Taiwan, with a market share of over 35%.

Taiwan Mobile is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint through the use of renewable energy and other sustainable practices. The company has set a target to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030, compared to its 2016 baseline.

To achieve this goal, Taiwan Mobile has implemented a number of initiatives focused on corporate energy and renewable energy. One of the key initiatives is the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy for its operations.

Corporate PPAs are long-term contracts between a company and a renewable energy provider, which guarantee a fixed price for the energy generated by the provider. By entering into these agreements, Taiwan Mobile is able to source renewable energy at a competitive price, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector.

In 2019, Taiwan Mobile signed a 20-year PPA with a local wind farm, which will provide the company with 100% of its electricity needs for its operations in Taiwan. This PPA is expected to reduce the company's carbon emissions by over 200,000 tonnes per year, equivalent to taking 42,000 cars off the road.

Taiwan Mobile has also invested in its own renewable energy projects, including solar power plants and wind farms. The company currently operates a 10 MW solar power plant in southern Taiwan, which generates enough electricity to power over 3,000 households.

In addition to its renewable energy initiatives, Taiwan Mobile has implemented a range of other measures to reduce its carbon footprint. These include energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, as well as the use of electric vehicles in its operations.

Taiwan Mobile's commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy has been recognised by a number of awards and certifications. In 2020, the company was awarded the Carbon Reduction Label by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration, in recognition of its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

Taiwan Mobile is also a member of the RE100 initiative, a global campaign committed to 100% renewable electricity. The company has committed to sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2050.

In conclusion, Taiwan Mobile is a leading wireless service provider in Taiwan, committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint through the use of renewable energy and other sustainable practices. The company's use of corporate PPAs and investment in renewable energy projects demonstrate its commitment to a sustainable future, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector. Taiwan Mobile's efforts have been recognised by a number of awards and certifications, and the company's membership in the RE100 initiative further underscores its commitment to 100% renewable electricity.