Potential offtaker

Swedbank AB


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Swedbank AB is a Swedish banking and financial services company that operates in the Banks sector. The company was founded in 1820 and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Swedbank AB is one of the largest banks in Sweden and the Baltic countries, with over 7 million customers and 12,000 employees.

As a leading financial institution, Swedbank AB is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting decarbonisation. The company recognizes the importance of sustainable development and has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Swedbank AB aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040 and has developed a comprehensive strategy to achieve this goal.

One of the key elements of Swedbank AB's decarbonisation strategy is its focus on corporate energy. The company is committed to reducing its energy consumption and increasing its use of renewable energy sources. Swedbank AB has implemented a range of energy efficiency measures, such as upgrading its buildings and IT systems, to reduce its energy consumption. The company has also invested in renewable energy projects, such as wind and solar power, to increase its use of clean energy.

Swedbank AB has also adopted a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to support its renewable energy goals. A PPA is a long-term contract between a renewable energy producer and a corporate buyer, in which the buyer agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy at a fixed price. Swedbank AB has signed a PPA with a wind farm in Sweden, which will supply the company with renewable energy for the next 15 years. This PPA will help Swedbank AB to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and support the development of renewable energy projects.

In addition to its own decarbonisation efforts, Swedbank AB is also working with its customers to promote sustainable development. The company offers a range of sustainable financial products and services, such as green bonds and sustainable investment funds, to help its customers invest in environmentally friendly projects. Swedbank AB also provides advice and support to its customers on how to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt sustainable business practices.

Overall, Swedbank AB is a leading financial institution that is committed to promoting decarbonisation and sustainable development. The company's focus on corporate energy, corporate PPAs, and renewable energy is helping to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of clean energy projects. Swedbank AB's commitment to sustainability is not only good for the environment, but also for its customers, shareholders, and the wider community.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's
✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment