Potential offtaker

Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. is a leading Taiwanese company operating in the auto parts sector. The company has been in operation for over 30 years and has established itself as a reliable and innovative player in the industry. Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. has a strong focus on decarbonisation and renewable energy, and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint through the implementation of various corporate energy initiatives.

Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented a number of initiatives to achieve this goal. The company has invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. has also implemented energy-efficient technologies and practices, such as LED lighting and energy-efficient machinery, to reduce its energy consumption and carbon emissions.

One of the key initiatives that Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. has implemented is a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA). A corporate PPA is an agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider, where the company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the provider at a fixed price over a set period of time. This allows the company to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy industry.

Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. has entered into a corporate PPA with a local renewable energy provider to purchase a significant amount of renewable energy. This has allowed the company to reduce its carbon footprint and energy costs, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy industry in Taiwan.

In addition to its renewable energy initiatives, Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. has also implemented a number of energy-efficient practices in its operations. The company has invested in energy-efficient machinery and equipment, and has implemented LED lighting throughout its facilities. These initiatives have helped to reduce the company's energy consumption and carbon emissions, while also improving its operational efficiency and reducing costs.

Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. is also committed to promoting decarbonisation in the auto parts sector. The company has developed a range of eco-friendly products, such as low-emission exhaust systems and energy-efficient components, to help reduce the carbon footprint of vehicles. These products are designed to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly vehicles, and are helping to drive the transition towards a more sustainable transportation sector.

Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. is also actively involved in research and development of new technologies and materials to further promote decarbonisation in the auto parts sector. The company has established partnerships with leading research institutes and universities to develop new technologies and materials that can help reduce the carbon footprint of vehicles.

In conclusion, Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. is a leading Taiwanese company operating in the auto parts sector, with a strong focus on decarbonisation and renewable energy. The company has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, including the use of renewable energy sources, energy-efficient technologies and practices, and a corporate PPA. Sunny Wheel Industrial Co., Ltd. is also committed to promoting decarbonisation in the auto parts sector, and has developed a range of eco-friendly products and is actively involved in research and development of new technologies and materials. The company's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation is a testament to its leadership in the industry and its dedication to creating a more sustainable future.