Potential offtaker

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


SKC is a South Korean company that operates in the Other Organic Base Chemicals sector. The company has been in operation for over 60 years and has established itself as a leader in the chemical industry. SKC is committed to sustainability and has taken significant steps towards decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a key priority for SKC. The company recognizes the importance of reducing carbon emissions to address climate change and has set ambitious targets to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, SKC is investing in renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies. The company is also exploring new ways to reduce emissions from its operations, such as using carbon capture and storage technologies.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for SKC. The company is committed to reducing its energy consumption and has implemented a range of energy-saving measures across its operations. These measures include the use of energy-efficient equipment and the implementation of energy management systems. SKC has also introduced a range of employee engagement initiatives to encourage staff to reduce their energy consumption.

Corporate PPA is another area where SKC is making significant progress. The company has signed several power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers to source clean energy for its operations. These PPAs enable SKC to reduce its carbon footprint and support the growth of renewable energy in South Korea. The company is also exploring new ways to generate renewable energy on-site, such as installing solar panels on its facilities.

Renewable energy is a key focus for SKC. The company recognizes the importance of transitioning to a low-carbon economy and has set ambitious targets to increase its use of renewable energy. SKC is investing in a range of renewable energy technologies, including wind, solar, and biomass. The company is also exploring new ways to integrate renewable energy into its operations, such as using renewable energy to power its manufacturing processes.

In addition to its focus on sustainability, SKC is also committed to innovation and growth. The company has a strong research and development program and is constantly exploring new ways to improve its products and processes. SKC has also expanded its operations globally, with a presence in over 30 countries. This global presence enables the company to access new markets and customers, driving growth and profitability.

Overall, SKC is a leading company in the Other Organic Base Chemicals sector that is committed to sustainability and innovation. The company's focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy demonstrates its commitment to addressing climate change and transitioning to a low-carbon economy. With its strong research and development program and global presence, SKC is well-positioned to continue driving growth and profitability while also making a positive impact on the environment.