Potential offtaker

Shinnihon Printing, Inc.

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Shinnihon Printing, Inc. is a leading Japanese printing company that operates in the Printing Services sector. Established in 1946, the company has been providing high-quality printing services to its clients for over 75 years. Shinnihon Printing is known for its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for Shinnihon Printing. The company is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and has set ambitious targets to achieve this. As part of its decarbonisation efforts, Shinnihon Printing has implemented various initiatives, such as energy-efficient technologies, waste reduction, and recycling programs. The company has also invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for Shinnihon Printing. The company recognizes the importance of energy management and has implemented various measures to optimize its energy use. Shinnihon Printing has invested in energy-efficient equipment, such as LED lighting and high-efficiency HVAC systems, to reduce its energy consumption. The company has also implemented an energy management system to monitor and control its energy use.

Corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is a strategic initiative that Shinnihon Printing has taken to support its renewable energy goals. The company has signed a long-term PPA with a renewable energy provider to purchase clean energy for its operations. This has not only helped the company reduce its carbon footprint but has also provided a stable and cost-effective source of energy.

Renewable energy is a key area of focus for Shinnihon Printing. The company is committed to using renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its carbon footprint. Shinnihon Printing has installed solar panels on its rooftops to generate clean energy for its operations. The company has also invested in wind power projects to support its renewable energy goals.

Shinnihon Printing's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its business practices. The company has implemented various initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainable development. Shinnihon Printing has a comprehensive environmental management system that covers all aspects of its operations, from raw material sourcing to waste management. The company has also implemented a green procurement policy to ensure that its suppliers meet its sustainability standards.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, Shinnihon Printing is also committed to customer satisfaction. The company has a customer-centric approach and strives to provide high-quality printing services that meet its clients' needs. Shinnihon Printing has a team of experienced professionals who work closely with its clients to understand their requirements and provide customized solutions.

Shinnihon Printing's commitment to innovation is reflected in its investment in technology. The company has a state-of-the-art printing facility that is equipped with the latest printing equipment and software. Shinnihon Printing has also invested in research and development to develop new printing technologies and products.

In conclusion, Shinnihon Printing, Inc. is a leading Japanese printing company that operates in the Printing Services sector. The company is committed to sustainability, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Shinnihon Printing's focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy reflects its commitment to reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable development. The company's investment in technology and research and development demonstrates its commitment to innovation and providing high-quality printing services to its clients.