Potential offtaker

PunaMusta Media PLC


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


PunaMusta Media PLC is a leading Finnish company that operates in the newspaper, book, and magazine printing sector. The company has been in business for over 100 years and has a strong reputation for quality and innovation. PunaMusta Media PLC is committed to sustainability and has taken significant steps to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a key priority for PunaMusta Media PLC. The company recognizes the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. To this end, PunaMusta Media PLC has implemented a range of measures to reduce its carbon footprint. These include investing in energy-efficient technologies, optimizing production processes, and reducing waste and emissions. The company has also set ambitious targets to further reduce its carbon footprint in the coming years.

Corporate energy is another important focus area for PunaMusta Media PLC. The company recognizes the importance of energy efficiency and has implemented a range of measures to reduce energy consumption and costs. These include investing in energy-efficient equipment, optimizing production processes, and promoting energy-saving behaviors among employees. PunaMusta Media PLC has also implemented a corporate energy management system to monitor and control energy use across its operations.

Corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) are an important tool for PunaMusta Media PLC to promote renewable energy. PPAs allow companies to purchase renewable energy directly from generators, often at a lower cost than traditional energy sources. PunaMusta Media PLC has entered into several PPAs with renewable energy providers to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote the transition to a low-carbon economy. The company has also invested in on-site renewable energy generation, including solar panels and wind turbines, to further reduce its carbon footprint.

Renewable energy is a key priority for PunaMusta Media PLC. The company recognizes the importance of transitioning to a low-carbon economy and has taken significant steps to promote renewable energy. PunaMusta Media PLC has invested in on-site renewable energy generation, including solar panels and wind turbines, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The company has also entered into several corporate PPAs with renewable energy providers to further promote the transition to renewable energy.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, PunaMusta Media PLC is committed to quality and innovation. The company has a strong reputation for producing high-quality printed materials and has invested in state-of-the-art printing technologies to ensure that it remains at the forefront of the industry. PunaMusta Media PLC also recognizes the importance of digital innovation and has developed several digital platforms to complement its traditional print offerings.

PunaMusta Media PLC is a socially responsible company that is committed to making a positive impact on society. The company has implemented several initiatives to support local communities, including sponsoring cultural events and supporting local charities. PunaMusta Media PLC also recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion and has implemented several initiatives to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace.

In conclusion, PunaMusta Media PLC is a leading Finnish company that operates in the newspaper, book, and magazine printing sector. The company is committed to sustainability and has taken significant steps to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy. PunaMusta Media PLC is also committed to quality and innovation and has a strong reputation for producing high-quality printed materials. The company is socially responsible and is committed to making a positive impact on society.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment