Potential offtaker

Nordea Bank AB


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Nordea Bank AB is a leading financial institution in Sweden that operates in the banking sector. The bank offers a wide range of financial services, including banking, insurance, and investment services to individuals, businesses, and institutions. Nordea Bank AB is committed to promoting sustainable development and has taken several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, promote renewable energy, and support decarbonisation efforts.

The bank has recognised the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and has set ambitious targets to achieve carbon neutrality. Nordea Bank AB has committed to reducing its carbon emissions by 50% by 2025 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The bank has also taken several initiatives to promote renewable energy and support decarbonisation efforts.

One of the key initiatives taken by Nordea Bank AB to promote renewable energy is the Corporate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) programme. The programme enables the bank to purchase renewable energy directly from the source, thereby reducing its carbon footprint and promoting the development of renewable energy. The bank has signed several Corporate PPAs with renewable energy producers in Sweden, Finland, and Norway. These agreements have enabled the bank to purchase renewable energy equivalent to the electricity consumption of its operations in these countries.

Nordea Bank AB has also taken several initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and promote corporate energy efficiency. The bank has implemented several energy-saving measures, such as the installation of energy-efficient lighting and heating systems, and the use of renewable energy sources such as solar panels. The bank has also implemented a comprehensive energy management system to monitor and manage its energy consumption.

The bank has also taken several initiatives to promote sustainable transportation and reduce its carbon footprint. Nordea Bank AB has implemented a comprehensive travel policy that encourages employees to use public transportation, carpool, or use electric vehicles for commuting. The bank has also installed electric vehicle charging stations at its offices and branches to promote the use of electric vehicles.

Nordea Bank AB is committed to promoting sustainable development and has taken several initiatives to support decarbonisation efforts. The bank has signed the UN Global Compact and has committed to implementing the ten principles of the Global Compact in its operations. The bank has also joined several initiatives and networks, such as the Science-Based Targets initiative and the RE100 initiative, to promote sustainable development and support decarbonisation efforts.

In conclusion, Nordea Bank AB is a leading financial institution in Sweden that is committed to promoting sustainable development and supporting decarbonisation efforts. The bank has taken several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint, promote renewable energy, and support corporate energy efficiency. The bank's commitment to sustainable development is reflected in its ambitious targets to achieve carbon neutrality and its participation in several initiatives and networks that promote sustainable development. Nordea Bank AB is a role model for other financial institutions and businesses that are committed to promoting sustainable development and supporting decarbonisation efforts.

✓ Re100 member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment