Potential offtaker

Ichigo Inc.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Ichigo Inc. is a Japanese company that operates in the Multi Asset Class Own & Develop sector. The company was founded in 2000 by Scott Callon, a Canadian entrepreneur who saw an opportunity to invest in Japan's real estate market. Since then, Ichigo has expanded its business to include renewable energy, corporate energy, and decarbonisation.

Ichigo's core business is real estate, and the company owns and manages a diverse portfolio of properties across Japan. The company's real estate assets include commercial buildings, residential properties, logistics facilities, and hotels. Ichigo's real estate business is focused on creating value for its investors by acquiring underperforming properties and improving their performance through renovation and management.

In recent years, Ichigo has expanded its business to include renewable energy. The company's renewable energy business is focused on developing and operating solar power plants across Japan. Ichigo's solar power plants generate clean energy that is sold to utilities and other customers under long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). The company's renewable energy business is aligned with Japan's goal of increasing the share of renewable energy in its energy mix.

Ichigo's corporate energy business is focused on helping companies reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions. The company provides a range of energy services, including energy audits, energy management, and energy procurement. Ichigo's corporate energy business is aligned with Japan's goal of reducing its carbon emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

One of the key services that Ichigo provides to its corporate customers is corporate PPAs. Corporate PPAs are agreements between companies and renewable energy developers that enable companies to purchase renewable energy directly from the developer. Corporate PPAs are a key tool for companies that want to reduce their carbon emissions and meet their sustainability goals.

Ichigo's corporate PPA business is focused on helping companies procure renewable energy at a competitive price. The company works with a network of renewable energy developers to offer its customers a range of renewable energy options. Ichigo's corporate PPA business is aligned with Japan's goal of increasing the share of renewable energy in its energy mix.

Ichigo's decarbonisation business is focused on helping companies reduce their carbon emissions through a range of services, including energy management, renewable energy, and carbon offsetting. The company's decarbonisation business is aligned with Japan's goal of reducing its carbon emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.

One of the key services that Ichigo provides to its customers is carbon offsetting. Carbon offsetting is a process by which companies can offset their carbon emissions by investing in projects that reduce carbon emissions elsewhere. Ichigo's carbon offsetting business is focused on helping companies reduce their carbon emissions by investing in high-quality carbon offset projects.

Overall, Ichigo Inc. is a Japanese company that operates in the Multi Asset Class Own & Develop sector. The company's core business is real estate, but it has expanded its business to include renewable energy, corporate energy, and decarbonisation. Ichigo's renewable energy business is focused on developing and operating solar power plants, while its corporate energy business is focused on helping companies reduce their energy costs and carbon emissions. The company's corporate PPA business is focused on helping companies procure renewable energy at a competitive price, while its decarbonisation business is focused on helping companies reduce their carbon emissions through a range of services, including carbon offsetting. Ichigo's business is aligned with Japan's goal of reducing its carbon emissions and transitioning to a low-carbon economy.