Potential offtaker

Huntapac Produce Ltd


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Huntapac Produce Ltd is a leading food crop production company based in the United Kingdom. The company specializes in the cultivation, harvesting, processing, and distribution of a wide range of fresh produce, including potatoes, carrots, parsnips, onions, and brassicas. With over 75 years of experience in the industry, Huntapac has established a reputation for quality, reliability, and innovation.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Huntapac is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices across its operations. The company has set ambitious targets for decarbonisation and is actively pursuing a range of initiatives to achieve them. One of the key focus areas for Huntapac is corporate energy management, where the company is working to optimize its energy use and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

To achieve its energy goals, Huntapac has implemented a range of measures, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting systems, the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and the adoption of energy-saving technologies such as heat recovery systems. The company has also invested in a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to source renewable energy from a local wind farm, which has helped to reduce its carbon emissions significantly.

In addition to its energy management initiatives, Huntapac is also actively pursuing corporate PPAs to support its renewable energy goals. A corporate PPA is a long-term contract between a company and a renewable energy provider, which guarantees a fixed price for the energy generated by the provider. By entering into a corporate PPA, Huntapac is able to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy, which helps to reduce its carbon footprint and support its sustainability objectives.

Renewable energy is a key focus area for Huntapac, and the company is committed to increasing its use of renewable energy sources across its operations. In addition to its corporate PPA, Huntapac has also invested in on-site renewable energy systems, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate clean energy for its facilities. These initiatives have helped to reduce the company's reliance on fossil fuels and promote sustainable practices across its operations.

Huntapac's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its energy management initiatives, and the company is actively pursuing a range of measures to reduce its environmental impact across its operations. For example, the company has implemented a range of waste reduction and recycling programs to minimize its waste generation and promote circular economy practices. The company has also invested in sustainable packaging solutions, such as biodegradable and compostable materials, to reduce its environmental footprint and promote responsible consumption.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, Huntapac is also committed to promoting social responsibility and supporting local communities. The company has established partnerships with local farmers and suppliers to promote sustainable agriculture practices and support local food systems. Huntapac also supports a range of community initiatives, such as food banks and local charities, to give back to the communities where it operates.

Overall, Huntapac Produce Ltd is a leading food crop production company that is committed to sustainability, decarbonisation, and social responsibility. The company's focus on corporate energy management, corporate PPAs, renewable energy, and sustainable practices across its operations has helped to reduce its carbon footprint and promote responsible business practices. As a responsible corporate citizen, Huntapac is well-positioned to lead the way in promoting sustainable agriculture practices and supporting a more sustainable future for all.