Potential offtaker

Huaxia Bank Co. Ltd.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Huaxia Bank Co. Ltd. is a Chinese bank that operates in the corporate banking sector. The bank was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is one of the largest banks in China, with a network of over 1,000 branches across the country. Huaxia Bank offers a wide range of financial services to its corporate clients, including corporate banking, investment banking, asset management, and insurance.

As a leading financial institution in China, Huaxia Bank is committed to promoting sustainable development and decarbonisation. The bank recognises the importance of reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the impact of climate change. In recent years, Huaxia Bank has been actively involved in financing renewable energy projects and promoting corporate energy efficiency.

One of the key areas of focus for Huaxia Bank is corporate energy. The bank provides a range of financial products and services to help its corporate clients improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint. These include energy audits, energy management systems, and financing for energy-saving projects. Huaxia Bank also offers corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to help its clients secure renewable energy at a competitive price.

Corporate PPAs are an innovative financing solution that allows companies to purchase renewable energy directly from a developer. This helps companies to reduce their carbon footprint and meet their sustainability goals, while also providing a stable source of energy at a competitive price. Huaxia Bank has been at the forefront of promoting corporate PPAs in China, and has helped a number of companies to secure renewable energy through this mechanism.

Renewable energy is another key area of focus for Huaxia Bank. The bank has been actively involved in financing renewable energy projects in China, including wind, solar, and hydropower projects. Huaxia Bank has provided financing for a number of large-scale renewable energy projects, including the 400 MW wind farm in Hebei Province and the 200 MW solar project in Inner Mongolia.

Huaxia Bank is also committed to promoting sustainable development in other areas. The bank has established a green finance department to promote sustainable finance and investment, and has launched a number of green finance products, including green bonds and green loans. Huaxia Bank is also a member of the Green Finance Committee of the China Society for Finance and Banking, which is dedicated to promoting green finance in China.

In conclusion, Huaxia Bank Co. Ltd. is a leading financial institution in China that is committed to promoting sustainable development and decarbonisation. The bank offers a wide range of financial products and services to help its corporate clients improve their energy efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint. Huaxia Bank has been at the forefront of promoting corporate PPAs and financing renewable energy projects in China, and is a key player in the country's green finance sector.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment