Potential offtaker

Hongkong Land Holdings Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is a leading property investment, management, and development company that operates in the Multi Asset Class Own & Develop sector. Founded in 1889, the company has a rich history of developing and managing high-quality properties in Hong Kong and other key cities in Asia. With a portfolio of prime commercial and residential properties, Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is committed to delivering sustainable and innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of its customers and stakeholders.

As a responsible corporate citizen, Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint. The company recognises the urgent need to address climate change and is taking proactive steps to reduce its environmental impact. One of the key areas of focus for the company is corporate energy management. Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is committed to reducing its energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable energy sources across its properties. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and is working towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

To achieve its decarbonisation goals, Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is exploring a range of innovative solutions, including corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). A corporate PPA is a long-term agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider, which allows the company to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price. By entering into a corporate PPA, Hongkong Land Holdings Limited can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and increase the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power. This not only helps the company to reduce its carbon footprint but also provides a stable and predictable source of energy for its properties.

In addition to corporate PPAs, Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is also investing in renewable energy infrastructure. The company has installed solar panels on the rooftops of several of its properties, which generate clean energy and reduce the reliance on grid electricity. The company is also exploring the use of other renewable energy sources, such as geothermal and biomass, to power its properties.

Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is committed to promoting sustainable practices across its operations and supply chain. The company works closely with its suppliers and contractors to ensure that they adhere to the highest environmental and social standards. The company also engages with its tenants and customers to promote sustainable behaviour, such as energy conservation and waste reduction.

In conclusion, Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is a leading property investment, management, and development company that is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its environmental impact. The company is taking proactive steps to reduce its carbon footprint, including exploring innovative solutions such as corporate PPAs and investing in renewable energy infrastructure. With a strong commitment to sustainability, Hongkong Land Holdings Limited is well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of its customers and stakeholders, while also contributing to a more sustainable future for all.