Potential offtaker

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Hilton is one of the world's leading hotel and hospitality companies, operating in over 100 countries and territories. The company has a long-standing commitment to sustainability and has been recognized for its efforts to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainable practices. Hilton has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint and increase its use of renewable energy, and has implemented a range of initiatives to achieve these goals.

Decarbonisation is a key priority for Hilton, and the company has set a goal to cut its carbon emissions in half by 2030. To achieve this target, Hilton is focusing on reducing its energy consumption and increasing its use of renewable energy. The company has implemented a range of energy efficiency measures in its hotels, including upgrading lighting systems, installing energy-efficient HVAC systems, and implementing smart building technologies. These measures have helped Hilton to reduce its energy consumption by over 20% since 2009.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for Hilton, and the company has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and promote sustainable practices across its operations. Hilton has developed a comprehensive energy management program that includes energy audits, benchmarking, and performance tracking. The company has also implemented a range of energy-saving technologies, such as occupancy sensors, to reduce energy waste in its hotels.

Corporate PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements) are an important part of Hilton's renewable energy strategy. The company has signed several long-term PPAs with renewable energy providers, which allow it to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price over a set period of time. These agreements help Hilton to reduce its carbon footprint and increase its use of renewable energy, while also providing cost savings and price stability.

Renewable energy is a key focus area for Hilton, and the company has set a goal to source 100% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030. To achieve this target, Hilton has implemented a range of initiatives to increase its use of renewable energy, including the installation of solar panels and the purchase of renewable energy certificates. The company has also developed a comprehensive renewable energy strategy that includes the use of on-site renewable energy generation, such as solar and wind power, as well as the purchase of renewable energy from off-site sources.

Hilton's commitment to sustainability extends beyond its operations and into its supply chain. The company has developed a comprehensive sustainable sourcing program that includes a range of environmental and social criteria for suppliers. Hilton works closely with its suppliers to ensure that they meet these criteria and to promote sustainable practices throughout the supply chain.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, Hilton is also committed to promoting social responsibility and community engagement. The company has developed a range of initiatives to support local communities, including programs to promote education, job training, and economic development. Hilton also supports a range of charitable organizations and has donated millions of dollars to support disaster relief efforts and other humanitarian causes.

Overall, Hilton is a leader in sustainability and renewable energy, and its commitment to reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices is a model for other companies in the hospitality industry. By implementing a range of energy efficiency measures, increasing its use of renewable energy, and promoting sustainable practices throughout its operations and supply chain, Hilton is demonstrating that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand.