Potential offtaker



Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Corbion is a leading Dutch company that operates in the food ingredients sector. The company is committed to providing sustainable solutions for the food industry and has been at the forefront of innovation in this field for many years. With a focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy, Corbion is leading the way in creating a more sustainable future for the food industry.

Decarbonisation is a key focus for Corbion, and the company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint. The company is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 33% by 2030, and has already made significant progress towards this goal. Corbion has implemented a range of measures to reduce its carbon footprint, including investing in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and reducing waste.

One of the ways that Corbion is reducing its carbon footprint is through the use of renewable energy. The company has invested in a range of renewable energy technologies, including wind, solar, and biomass. Corbion has also implemented a range of energy efficiency measures, such as upgrading equipment and improving processes, to reduce its energy consumption. By investing in renewable energy and improving energy efficiency, Corbion is reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and creating a more sustainable future for the food industry.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for Corbion. The company is committed to reducing its energy consumption and has implemented a range of measures to achieve this goal. Corbion has invested in energy-efficient equipment, improved processes, and implemented energy management systems to reduce its energy consumption. The company has also implemented a range of employee engagement programs to encourage energy-saving behaviors and raise awareness of the importance of energy efficiency.

Corporate PPA is another area of focus for Corbion. The company has signed a number of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to secure renewable energy for its operations. By signing these agreements, Corbion is supporting the development of renewable energy projects and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels. The company has also implemented a range of measures to improve the efficiency of its operations, such as reducing waste and improving logistics, to further reduce its carbon footprint.

Renewable energy is a key focus for Corbion, and the company has made significant investments in this area. Corbion has invested in a range of renewable energy technologies, including wind, solar, and biomass. The company has also signed a number of corporate PPAs to secure renewable energy for its operations. By investing in renewable energy, Corbion is reducing its carbon footprint and creating a more sustainable future for the food industry.

In addition to its focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy, Corbion is also committed to sustainability in other areas of its operations. The company has implemented a range of measures to reduce waste, improve water management, and promote sustainable sourcing. Corbion is also committed to promoting sustainable practices throughout its supply chain and works closely with its suppliers to ensure that they meet the company's sustainability standards.

Overall, Corbion is a leading Dutch company that is committed to creating a more sustainable future for the food industry. With a focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy, Corbion is leading the way in creating a more sustainable future for the food industry. The company's investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency are reducing its carbon footprint and creating a more sustainable future for the food industry. Corbion's commitment to sustainability in other areas of its operations, such as waste reduction and sustainable sourcing, further demonstrates its commitment to creating a more sustainable future for the food industry.

✓ Re100 member
✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment