Potential offtaker

Artistic Fabric Mills (Pvt.) Ltd.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Artistic Fabric Mills (Pvt.) Ltd. is a leading textile manufacturing company based in Pakistan. The company specializes in the production of high-quality fabrics for various industries, including fashion, home textiles, and technical textiles. With a focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, Artistic Fabric Mills is committed to decarbonisation and reducing its carbon footprint. The company has implemented several initiatives to achieve this goal, including the use of renewable energy and corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs).

Corporate Energy and Decarbonisation

Artistic Fabric Mills recognizes the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impact of climate change. The company has implemented a comprehensive energy management system to monitor and reduce its energy consumption. This includes the use of energy-efficient equipment and processes, as well as the implementation of energy-saving measures across all operations.

The company has also invested in renewable energy sources to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. Artistic Fabric Mills has installed a solar power plant with a capacity of 1.5 MW, which generates clean energy and reduces the company's carbon footprint. The solar power plant has also helped the company reduce its energy costs and improve its bottom line.

Corporate PPA and Renewable Energy

Artistic Fabric Mills has also entered into a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy provider. The PPA allows the company to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price, providing a stable and predictable source of energy for its operations. The renewable energy provider generates the energy from wind and solar sources, further reducing the company's carbon footprint.

The PPA also provides Artistic Fabric Mills with a competitive advantage in the market. By using renewable energy, the company can differentiate itself from competitors and appeal to environmentally conscious customers. The PPA also helps the company meet its sustainability goals and reduce its impact on the environment.

Fabric Sector

As a leading textile manufacturing company, Artistic Fabric Mills produces a wide range of fabrics for various industries. The company specializes in denim, twill, and other woven fabrics, which are used in fashion and home textiles. The company also produces technical textiles, including fabrics for the automotive and industrial sectors.

Artistic Fabric Mills has a strong focus on quality and innovation, using the latest technology and production techniques to create high-quality fabrics. The company's fabrics are known for their durability, comfort, and style, making them popular with customers around the world.


Artistic Fabric Mills (Pvt.) Ltd. is a leading textile manufacturing company based in Pakistan. The company is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility, implementing initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and use renewable energy sources. The company has invested in a solar power plant and entered into a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy provider, providing a stable and predictable source of energy for its operations. Artistic Fabric Mills specializes in denim, twill, and other woven fabrics, as well as technical textiles for the automotive and industrial sectors. With a focus on quality and innovation, the company has established itself as a leader in the textile industry.