Potential offtaker

Altor Equity Partners


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Altor Equity Partners is a private equity firm based in Stockholm, Sweden. The firm was founded in 2003 and has since become one of the leading private equity firms in the Nordic region. Altor Equity Partners invests in mid-sized companies with strong growth potential and a clear path to profitability.

One of the key areas of focus for Altor Equity Partners is decarbonisation. The firm recognizes the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a more sustainable economy. Altor Equity Partners has made a commitment to invest in companies that are working towards decarbonisation and reducing their environmental impact.

One way that Altor Equity Partners is supporting decarbonisation is through its investment in companies that are involved in renewable energy. Renewable energy is a key component of the transition to a low-carbon economy. Altor Equity Partners has invested in several companies that are involved in renewable energy, including wind and solar power.

In addition to investing in renewable energy, Altor Equity Partners is also focused on helping companies reduce their carbon footprint through corporate energy initiatives. Corporate energy initiatives can include a range of activities, such as energy efficiency measures, the use of renewable energy sources, and the implementation of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs).

Corporate PPAs are a particularly important tool for companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint. A corporate PPA is a long-term contract between a company and a renewable energy provider. The company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the provider over a set period of time. This provides a stable source of revenue for the renewable energy provider, while also helping the company to reduce its carbon footprint.

Altor Equity Partners has invested in several companies that are involved in corporate PPAs. These companies are helping other businesses to transition to renewable energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

Overall, Altor Equity Partners is committed to supporting the transition to a more sustainable economy. The firm recognizes the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and is investing in companies that are working towards decarbonisation. Through its investments in renewable energy and corporate energy initiatives, Altor Equity Partners is helping to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy.