Potential offtaker

Albaraka Türk Participation Bank


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Albaraka Türk Participation Bank is a leading financial institution in Turkey that operates in the corporate banking sector. The bank is committed to providing innovative and sustainable financial solutions to its clients, while also contributing to the decarbonisation of the economy. Albaraka Türk is a subsidiary of the Bahrain-based Al Baraka Banking Group, which has a strong presence in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, and Europe.

One of the key areas of focus for Albaraka Türk is corporate energy, which refers to the energy needs of businesses and organizations. The bank offers a range of financial products and services to help its clients manage their energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint. This includes corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs), which allow businesses to purchase renewable energy directly from generators at a fixed price over a long-term period.

Corporate PPAs are becoming increasingly popular among businesses as a way to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy sources. Albaraka Türk has been at the forefront of this trend, offering innovative financing solutions to help its clients take advantage of the benefits of corporate PPAs. The bank has partnered with leading renewable energy companies in Turkey to offer its clients access to clean and affordable energy.

In addition to corporate PPAs, Albaraka Türk also offers a range of other financial products and services to support the decarbonisation of the economy. This includes green bonds, which are debt securities issued to finance environmentally friendly projects. The bank has been a pioneer in the green bond market in Turkey, issuing its first green bond in 2018 to finance renewable energy projects.

Albaraka Türk is also actively involved in promoting renewable energy and sustainability in Turkey. The bank has signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Banking, which commits it to aligning its business strategy with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change. The bank is also a member of the Turkish Green Building Council, which promotes sustainable building practices in the country.

In addition to its focus on corporate energy and sustainability, Albaraka Türk is also a leading provider of corporate banking services in Turkey. The bank offers a range of products and services to support the growth and development of businesses, including trade finance, project finance, and working capital finance. Albaraka Türk has a strong track record of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Turkey, which are critical to the country's economy.

Overall, Albaraka Türk Participation Bank is a leading financial institution in Turkey that is committed to promoting sustainability and decarbonisation in the corporate sector. The bank's focus on corporate energy and renewable energy financing, as well as its support for SMEs, make it a key player in the Turkish economy. As the world continues to transition to a low-carbon economy, Albaraka Türk is well positioned to play a leading role in the financial sector.