Potential offtaker

Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton is a public school district located in the city of Somerton, Arizona, in the United States of America. The district serves the educational needs of students from kindergarten to eighth grade, with a total enrollment of approximately 3,500 students across seven schools.

The district is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and nurturing learning environment for all students, with a focus on academic excellence, social-emotional learning, and community engagement. In addition to its educational mission, Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton is also dedicated to promoting sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint through various initiatives, including decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a process of reducing or eliminating carbon emissions from various sources, such as energy production, transportation, and industrial processes. Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton has taken several steps to reduce its carbon footprint and promote decarbonisation. For example, the district has implemented energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems in its schools, which have resulted in significant energy savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The district has also encouraged its staff and students to adopt sustainable practices, such as recycling, composting, and reducing waste.

Corporate energy refers to the energy consumed by a company or organization to power its operations, such as lighting, heating, and cooling. Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton has implemented various measures to reduce its corporate energy consumption and promote energy efficiency. For instance, the district has installed solar panels on several of its schools, which generate clean and renewable energy and reduce the district's dependence on fossil fuels. The district has also conducted energy audits to identify areas of energy waste and implemented energy-saving measures, such as turning off lights and electronics when not in use.

Corporate PPA, or power purchase agreement, is a contract between a company and a renewable energy provider to purchase a fixed amount of clean energy at a predetermined price. Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton has entered into a corporate PPA with a local solar provider to purchase solar energy at a fixed rate for a period of 20 years. This agreement has enabled the district to reduce its energy costs and promote the use of renewable energy.

Renewable energy refers to energy generated from natural resources that are replenished over time, such as solar, wind, and hydro power. Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton has made significant investments in renewable energy to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability. The district has installed solar panels on several of its schools, which generate clean and renewable energy and reduce the district's dependence on fossil fuels. The district has also partnered with local renewable energy providers to purchase clean energy through corporate PPAs, which has enabled the district to reduce its energy costs and support the growth of the renewable energy industry.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton is also committed to providing high-quality education to its students. The district employs highly qualified teachers and staff who are dedicated to helping students achieve their full potential. The district offers a wide range of academic programs, including gifted and talented education, special education, and English language learner programs, to meet the diverse needs of its students.

The district also prioritizes social-emotional learning and community engagement to promote a positive school culture and foster strong relationships between students, staff, and families. The district offers a variety of extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and clubs, to provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and develop their talents. The district also partners with local organizations and businesses to provide students with real-world learning experiences and prepare them for success in college and career.

Overall, Yuma County Elementary School District No 11 Somerton is a progressive and innovative school district that is committed to promoting sustainability, reducing its carbon footprint, and providing high-quality education to its students. Through its decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy initiatives, the district is leading the way in promoting sustainability and reducing its impact on the environment. The district's commitment to academic excellence, social-emotional learning, and community engagement ensures that its students are well-prepared for success in the 21st century.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's