Potential offtaker

Town of Fairhaven MA


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The Town of Fairhaven MA is a local government entity located in the United States of America. It is responsible for providing essential services to its residents, including public safety, infrastructure maintenance, and waste management. As a local government, the Town of Fairhaven MA is committed to promoting sustainable practices and reducing its carbon footprint. To achieve this goal, the Town has implemented several initiatives focused on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy.

Decarbonisation is a critical component of the Town of Fairhaven MA's sustainability strategy. The Town recognizes the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. To achieve this goal, the Town has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint. The Town is working to reduce its energy consumption, promote energy efficiency, and transition to renewable energy sources. The Town has also implemented policies and programs to encourage residents and businesses to adopt sustainable practices, such as recycling, composting, and reducing single-use plastics.

Corporate energy is another key focus area for the Town of Fairhaven MA. The Town recognizes that energy is a significant expense for local governments, and reducing energy costs can have a significant impact on the Town's budget. To achieve this goal, the Town has implemented several initiatives focused on reducing energy consumption and promoting energy efficiency. The Town has upgraded its lighting systems to LED, installed energy-efficient HVAC systems, and implemented energy management systems to monitor and control energy usage. These initiatives have resulted in significant energy savings for the Town, reducing its energy costs and carbon footprint.

Corporate PPA is another initiative that the Town of Fairhaven MA has implemented to promote renewable energy. A corporate PPA is a contract between a local government and a renewable energy provider, where the local government agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy from the provider. The Town of Fairhaven MA has entered into a corporate PPA with a local renewable energy provider to purchase a significant portion of its energy from renewable sources. This initiative has helped the Town to reduce its carbon footprint and promote the use of renewable energy.

Renewable energy is a critical focus area for the Town of Fairhaven MA. The Town recognizes that transitioning to renewable energy sources is essential to reducing its carbon footprint and mitigating the impacts of climate change. To achieve this goal, the Town has implemented several initiatives focused on promoting renewable energy. The Town has installed solar panels on several municipal buildings, including the Town Hall and the Department of Public Works. These solar panels generate renewable energy, reducing the Town's reliance on fossil fuels and reducing its carbon footprint. The Town has also implemented policies and programs to encourage residents and businesses to adopt renewable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines.

In conclusion, the Town of Fairhaven MA is a local government entity committed to promoting sustainable practices and reducing its carbon footprint. The Town has implemented several initiatives focused on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy. These initiatives have helped the Town to reduce its energy costs, promote energy efficiency, and transition to renewable energy sources. The Town's commitment to sustainability and renewable energy serves as an example for other local governments and communities to follow.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's