Potential offtaker

Town of Billerica MA


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The Town of Billerica MA is a local government in the United States of America that is committed to promoting sustainable practices and reducing its carbon footprint. The town has taken several steps to achieve its goals of decarbonisation and promoting renewable energy sources.

One of the key initiatives taken by the Town of Billerica MA is the implementation of a corporate energy program. This program is designed to reduce the energy consumption of municipal buildings and facilities. The town has conducted energy audits of its buildings and has implemented energy-efficient measures such as LED lighting, HVAC upgrades, and insulation improvements. These measures have resulted in significant energy savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

The Town of Billerica MA has also entered into a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) for renewable energy. The PPA is a long-term contract that allows the town to purchase renewable energy from a local wind farm. This initiative has not only reduced the town's carbon footprint but has also provided a stable source of renewable energy at a competitive price.

In addition to the corporate PPA, the Town of Billerica MA has also installed solar panels on several municipal buildings. The solar panels generate clean energy and reduce the town's reliance on fossil fuels. The town has also encouraged residents and businesses to install solar panels through incentives and rebates.

The Town of Billerica MA has also implemented a comprehensive recycling program. The town has made it easy for residents to recycle by providing curbside recycling pickup and drop-off locations for hazardous waste and electronic waste. The town has also implemented a composting program to reduce the amount of organic waste sent to landfills.

The Town of Billerica MA has taken a proactive approach to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. The town has set a goal of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050. To achieve this goal, the town has developed a climate action plan that outlines specific strategies and actions to reduce emissions. The plan includes initiatives such as increasing the use of electric vehicles, promoting energy-efficient buildings, and expanding renewable energy sources.

The Town of Billerica MA has also partnered with other municipalities and organizations to promote sustainability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The town is a member of the Massachusetts Green Communities program, which provides funding and technical assistance for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. The town has also partnered with local businesses to promote sustainable practices and reduce waste.

In conclusion, the Town of Billerica MA is a local government that is committed to promoting sustainable practices and reducing its carbon footprint. The town has implemented several initiatives to achieve its goals of decarbonisation and promoting renewable energy sources. These initiatives include a corporate energy program, a corporate PPA for renewable energy, solar panel installations, a comprehensive recycling program, and a climate action plan. The town has also partnered with other municipalities and organizations to promote sustainability and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Town of Billerica MA serves as a model for other local governments and communities looking to promote sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's