Potential offtaker



Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


TietoEVRY is a leading Finnish IT services provider that operates in the commercial sector. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and is committed to decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy. TietoEVRY has a long history of providing innovative and sustainable solutions to its clients, and its commitment to sustainability is evident in all aspects of its operations.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for TietoEVRY, and the company is working towards reducing its carbon footprint by implementing various measures. TietoEVRY has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2025, and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2035. The company is working towards achieving these targets by implementing various measures such as energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy sources, and sustainable transportation.

Corporate energy is another key focus area for TietoEVRY, and the company is committed to reducing its energy consumption through various measures. TietoEVRY has implemented energy-efficient technologies in its buildings, such as LED lighting and smart HVAC systems, to reduce energy consumption. The company is also working towards reducing its energy consumption through the use of virtual meetings and telecommuting.

Corporate PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is another area of focus for TietoEVRY, and the company has signed several PPAs with renewable energy providers to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply. TietoEVRY has signed a PPA with a wind farm in Finland, which will provide the company with renewable energy for the next 10 years. The company has also signed a PPA with a solar farm in Sweden, which will provide the company with renewable energy for the next 15 years.

Renewable energy is a key area of focus for TietoEVRY, and the company is committed to increasing its use of renewable energy sources. TietoEVRY has implemented several renewable energy projects, such as solar panels and wind turbines, to generate renewable energy. The company has also invested in research and development to develop new renewable energy technologies.

TietoEVRY's commitment to sustainability is evident in all aspects of its operations, and the company has received several awards and recognitions for its sustainability efforts. In 2020, TietoEVRY was ranked as the most sustainable IT services provider in the world by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. The company was also recognized as a leader in sustainability by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

TietoEVRY's sustainability efforts are not limited to its own operations, and the company is also working with its clients to help them achieve their sustainability goals. TietoEVRY provides its clients with sustainable IT solutions, such as cloud computing and virtualization, to reduce their carbon footprint. The company also provides its clients with sustainability consulting services to help them develop and implement sustainability strategies.

In conclusion, TietoEVRY is a leading Finnish IT services provider that is committed to sustainability and is working towards decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint and is implementing various measures to achieve these targets. TietoEVRY's commitment to sustainability is evident in all aspects of its operations, and the company is also working with its clients to help them achieve their sustainability goals. TietoEVRY's sustainability efforts have been recognized by several awards and recognitions, and the company is a leader in sustainability in the IT services sector.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment