Potential offtaker

Tallahassee Community College


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Tallahassee Community College (TCC) is a public community college located in Tallahassee, Florida, United States. It was founded in 1966 and has since become a leading educational institution in the region, offering a wide range of academic programs and services to students from all walks of life.

As an educational services provider, TCC is committed to providing its students with the best possible learning experience, while also being mindful of its impact on the environment. In recent years, the college has taken significant steps towards decarbonisation and sustainability, with a focus on reducing its carbon footprint and promoting the use of renewable energy sources.

One of the key ways in which TCC has achieved this goal is through its corporate energy strategy. The college has implemented a number of energy-saving measures, such as upgrading its lighting and HVAC systems, installing energy-efficient windows and doors, and using smart building controls to optimise energy use.

In addition to these measures, TCC has also invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar power. In 2018, the college signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with Origis Energy, a leading provider of solar energy solutions. Under the agreement, TCC agreed to purchase 100% of the energy generated by a new 20 MW solar facility located in nearby Gadsden County.

The corporate PPA with Origis Energy is a significant step towards decarbonisation for TCC, as it allows the college to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote the use of renewable energy sources. The solar facility is expected to generate over 40,000 MWh of clean energy annually, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of over 3,400 homes in the region.

In addition to the corporate PPA, TCC has also implemented other renewable energy projects on its campus. For example, the college has installed a solar array on the roof of its science building, which generates clean energy to power the building's lighting and HVAC systems. The array is expected to generate over 150,000 kWh of clean energy annually, which is equivalent to the energy consumption of over 12 homes in the region.

TCC's commitment to decarbonisation and sustainability extends beyond its energy strategy. The college has also implemented a number of other green initiatives, such as promoting recycling and composting on campus, encouraging the use of public transportation, and reducing water consumption through the use of low-flow fixtures and drought-resistant landscaping.

In recognition of its sustainability efforts, TCC has received several awards and accolades over the years. In 2019, the college was named a winner of the Second Nature Climate Leadership Awards, which recognises institutions of higher education that demonstrate exceptional leadership in sustainability and climate mitigation.

Overall, TCC's commitment to decarbonisation and sustainability is a testament to its dedication to providing its students with a high-quality education while also being mindful of its impact on the environment. Through its corporate energy strategy, renewable energy projects, and other green initiatives, TCC is setting an example for other educational institutions and businesses to follow.