Potential offtaker

Takahashi Metal Works Co.,Ltd.

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. is a leading Japanese company in the Base Metals sector. The company is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, and has been in operation since 1961. TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. is a major producer of copper and copper alloy products, including wires, rods, tubes, and other components. The company has a strong reputation for its high-quality products and services, and its commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation.

TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting decarbonisation in the Base Metals sector. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and increase its use of renewable energy. TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. has implemented a range of measures to achieve these goals, including investing in renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, and promoting the use of low-carbon technologies.

One of the key strategies that TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. has adopted to promote decarbonisation is the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) for renewable energy. The company has signed several long-term PPAs with renewable energy developers, which allow it to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price over a period of several years. This approach provides TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. with a stable and predictable source of renewable energy, while also supporting the development of new renewable energy projects.

TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. has also implemented a range of energy efficiency measures to reduce its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The company has invested in new technologies and equipment to improve the efficiency of its operations, and has implemented a range of energy management systems to monitor and control its energy use. TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. has also implemented a range of measures to promote energy conservation and awareness among its employees, including training programs and awareness campaigns.

In addition to its efforts to promote decarbonisation and renewable energy, TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. is also committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development. The company has implemented a range of CSR initiatives to promote social and environmental sustainability, including community outreach programs, environmental education programs, and employee volunteer programs. TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. is also committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in its workforce, and has implemented a range of measures to support the development and advancement of women and other underrepresented groups.

Overall, TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. is a leading Japanese company in the Base Metals sector, with a strong commitment to sustainability, decarbonisation, and renewable energy. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and increase its use of renewable energy, and has implemented a range of measures to achieve these goals. TAKAHASHI METAL CO., LTD. is also committed to corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, and has implemented a range of initiatives to promote social and environmental sustainability.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment