Potential offtaker

Sparebank 1 Oestlandet


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Sparebank 1 Østlandet is a Norwegian bank that operates in the banking sector. The bank is headquartered in Hamar, Norway, and has a strong presence in the eastern part of the country. The bank was founded in 2017 through the merger of Sparebanken Hedmark and Sparebank 1 Gudbrandsdal. The bank has a strong focus on sustainability and has made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.

Decarbonisation is a key focus area for Sparebank 1 Østlandet. The bank has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions and has implemented a number of measures to achieve this goal. The bank has invested in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The bank has also implemented energy efficiency measures in its buildings and has encouraged its employees to adopt sustainable practices such as using public transport or cycling to work.

Corporate energy is another important area for Sparebank 1 Østlandet. The bank has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and has set targets to increase its use of renewable energy sources. The bank has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to ensure that its energy is sourced from renewable sources. This has allowed the bank to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy projects.

Corporate PPA is an important tool for companies looking to transition to renewable energy sources. A corporate PPA is a long-term agreement between a company and a renewable energy provider to purchase energy from renewable sources. This allows companies to reduce their carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy projects. Sparebank 1 Østlandet has implemented a corporate PPA to ensure that its energy is sourced from renewable sources. This has allowed the bank to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy projects.

Renewable energy is a key focus area for Sparebank 1 Østlandet. The bank has invested in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The bank has also implemented a number of initiatives to increase its use of renewable energy sources. The bank has set ambitious targets to increase its use of renewable energy sources and has implemented a corporate PPA to ensure that its energy is sourced from renewable sources.

In conclusion, Sparebank 1 Østlandet is a Norwegian bank that operates in the banking sector. The bank has a strong focus on sustainability and has made significant efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. Decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy are all important focus areas for the bank. The bank has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions and has implemented a number of measures to achieve this goal. The bank has invested in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The bank has also implemented a corporate PPA to ensure that its energy is sourced from renewable sources. This has allowed the bank to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy projects. Overall, Sparebank 1 Østlandet is a leader in sustainability and is committed to reducing its impact on the environment.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment