Potential offtaker

South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board is a public entity responsible for treating and disposing of wastewater in the United States. The board serves several communities in the region, including cities, towns, and rural areas. The board's mission is to provide safe and reliable wastewater treatment services while protecting the environment and public health.

In recent years, the board has been actively pursuing decarbonisation initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability. The board recognises the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to renewable energy sources to mitigate the impacts of climate change.

One of the board's key decarbonisation initiatives is the implementation of a corporate energy strategy. The board is committed to reducing its energy consumption and increasing its use of renewable energy sources. The board has set a target to reduce its energy consumption by 20% by 2025 and to source 50% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030.

To achieve these targets, the board has implemented several energy-saving measures, such as upgrading its wastewater treatment plants with energy-efficient equipment and implementing energy management systems to monitor and control energy usage. The board has also installed solar panels at several of its facilities to generate renewable energy.

In addition to these measures, the board has also explored the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) to source renewable energy. A corporate PPA is a contract between a company and a renewable energy provider, where the company agrees to purchase a certain amount of renewable energy at a fixed price over a specified period.

The board has entered into a corporate PPA with a local renewable energy provider to source a portion of its electricity from wind power. The PPA allows the board to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price, which provides cost certainty and reduces the board's exposure to volatile energy prices.

The board's commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy has not only helped to reduce its carbon footprint but has also resulted in cost savings. The energy-saving measures and renewable energy initiatives have reduced the board's energy costs and provided long-term cost certainty through the use of PPAs.

The board's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation has also earned it recognition from various organisations. The board has received several awards for its sustainability initiatives, including the Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star certification and the National Association of Clean Water Agencies' Platinum Peak Performance Award.

In conclusion, the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board is a public entity that is committed to providing safe and reliable wastewater treatment services while promoting sustainability and decarbonisation. The board's corporate energy strategy, use of corporate PPAs, and renewable energy initiatives have helped to reduce its carbon footprint, provide cost savings, and earn recognition for its sustainability efforts. The board's commitment to sustainability serves as an example for other organisations to follow in the transition to a more sustainable future.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's