Potential offtaker

Ports of Auckland Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Ports of Auckland Limited is a company based in New Zealand that operates in the Marine Support Services sector. The company is responsible for the management and operation of the port of Auckland, which is the largest and busiest port in New Zealand. The port handles a wide range of cargo, including containers, cars, and bulk goods, and is a crucial gateway for trade and commerce in the country.

In recent years, Ports of Auckland Limited has been at the forefront of efforts to decarbonize the port and reduce its environmental impact. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions and become a leader in sustainable port operations. One of the key strategies that Ports of Auckland Limited has adopted to achieve these goals is the use of renewable energy.

The company has invested heavily in renewable energy infrastructure, including solar panels, wind turbines, and battery storage systems. These technologies are used to power the port's operations, including cranes, lighting, and other equipment. By using renewable energy, Ports of Auckland Limited is able to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and significantly reduce its carbon footprint.

In addition to investing in renewable energy, Ports of Auckland Limited has also implemented a range of other measures to reduce its environmental impact. These include the use of electric vehicles and the implementation of energy-efficient lighting and heating systems. The company has also introduced a range of recycling and waste reduction programs to minimize the amount of waste generated by the port.

Another key strategy that Ports of Auckland Limited has adopted to reduce its carbon emissions is the use of corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs). These agreements allow the company to purchase renewable energy directly from energy providers, often at a lower cost than traditional fossil fuel-based energy. By using PPAs, Ports of Auckland Limited is able to reduce its carbon emissions while also saving money on energy costs.

Corporate energy management is also a key focus for Ports of Auckland Limited. The company has implemented a range of energy management systems and processes to monitor and optimize its energy use. This includes the use of smart meters and data analytics to identify areas where energy use can be reduced and to track progress towards energy reduction targets.

Overall, Ports of Auckland Limited is a company that is committed to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The company's focus on decarbonization, renewable energy, and corporate energy management is setting a new standard for sustainable port operations. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, Ports of Auckland Limited is demonstrating that it is possible to operate a successful business while also protecting the environment and reducing carbon emissions.