Potential offtaker

NortonLifeLock Inc.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


NortonLifeLock Inc. is a leading cybersecurity company based in the United States of America. The company specializes in providing security software solutions to individuals and businesses to protect against cyber threats such as malware, viruses, and identity theft. NortonLifeLock has a strong reputation for providing reliable and effective security solutions to its clients, making it one of the most trusted cybersecurity companies in the world.

In recent years, NortonLifeLock has made significant strides in decarbonisation and renewable energy. The company has recognized the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and has taken steps to become more environmentally friendly. NortonLifeLock has implemented various initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions.

One of the key initiatives that NortonLifeLock has implemented is corporate energy management. The company has invested in energy-efficient technologies and has implemented energy-saving measures across its operations. This has helped the company to reduce its energy consumption and lower its carbon emissions. NortonLifeLock has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to source renewable energy for its operations. The PPA allows the company to purchase renewable energy directly from a renewable energy provider, which helps to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

NortonLifeLock has also invested in renewable energy projects. The company has invested in wind and solar power projects to generate renewable energy for its operations. These projects not only help to reduce the company's carbon emissions but also contribute to the development of renewable energy infrastructure in the United States.

In addition to its efforts in decarbonisation and renewable energy, NortonLifeLock has also implemented various initiatives to promote sustainability and reduce waste. The company has implemented a waste management program to reduce its waste generation and promote recycling. NortonLifeLock has also implemented a sustainable procurement policy to promote the use of sustainable products and services across its operations.

NortonLifeLock's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation has not gone unnoticed. The company has received various awards and recognition for its efforts in promoting sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint. In 2020, NortonLifeLock was recognized as one of the world's most sustainable companies by Corporate Knights, a leading sustainability research firm. The company was also recognized as a leader in sustainability by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.

NortonLifeLock's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation is not just good for the environment, but also for its business. The company's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability have helped to improve its reputation and attract environmentally conscious customers. NortonLifeLock's customers are increasingly looking for companies that are committed to sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint, and NortonLifeLock's efforts in this area have helped to differentiate it from its competitors.

In conclusion, NortonLifeLock Inc. is a leading cybersecurity company that has made significant strides in decarbonisation and renewable energy. The company has recognized the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and has implemented various initiatives to become more environmentally friendly. NortonLifeLock has invested in energy-efficient technologies, implemented a corporate PPA, and invested in renewable energy projects to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. The company's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation has helped to improve its reputation and attract environmentally conscious customers. NortonLifeLock's efforts in this area demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and its role in promoting a more sustainable future.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment