Potential offtaker

Nippon Life Insurance Company


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Nippon Life Insurance Company is a leading life insurance company based in Japan. The company has a rich history dating back to 1889 when it was founded as Nippon Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Today, Nippon Life Insurance Company is one of the largest life insurance companies in Japan and has a significant presence in the global insurance market.

As a company operating in the life insurance sector, Nippon Life Insurance Company has a strong focus on sustainability and decarbonisation. The company recognises the importance of addressing climate change and reducing its carbon footprint to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. To this end, Nippon Life Insurance Company has implemented a range of initiatives aimed at reducing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by Nippon Life Insurance Company is the implementation of a corporate energy strategy. The company has set ambitious targets to reduce its energy consumption and increase the use of renewable energy sources. Nippon Life Insurance Company has implemented a range of energy-efficient measures across its operations, including the installation of energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and the implementation of energy management systems to monitor and optimise energy use.

In addition to its corporate energy strategy, Nippon Life Insurance Company has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to support the development of renewable energy projects. The company has signed a PPA with a renewable energy developer to purchase a portion of the energy generated by a wind farm. This initiative not only supports the development of renewable energy projects but also helps to reduce the company's carbon footprint.

Nippon Life Insurance Company has also invested in renewable energy projects through its subsidiary, Nippon Life Global Investors Americas. The subsidiary has invested in a range of renewable energy projects, including wind and solar farms, to support the transition to a low-carbon economy.

In addition to its sustainability initiatives, Nippon Life Insurance Company is also committed to promoting social responsibility and supporting the communities in which it operates. The company has implemented a range of initiatives aimed at supporting social and environmental causes, including the promotion of education, healthcare, and disaster relief efforts.

Overall, Nippon Life Insurance Company is a leading life insurance company that is committed to promoting sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. The company's focus on decarbonisation, corporate energy, corporate PPA, and renewable energy initiatives demonstrates its commitment to addressing climate change and promoting a sustainable future. Through its sustainability initiatives and social responsibility efforts, Nippon Life Insurance Company is setting an example for other companies in the insurance sector to follow.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment