Potential offtaker

Mulberry Group plc


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Mulberry Group plc is a British luxury fashion company that has been operating since 1971. The company is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and has stores in major cities around the world. Mulberry is known for its high-quality leather goods, including handbags, wallets, and accessories, as well as its clothing and footwear lines.

As a company that operates in the Family Clothing Stores sector, Mulberry is committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. The company has set ambitious targets for decarbonisation and is working to reduce its carbon emissions across its operations. This includes its stores, offices, and supply chain.

Mulberry has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. One of these is the use of renewable energy. The company has installed solar panels on the roof of its Somerset factory, which generate clean energy to power the facility. Mulberry has also signed a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) with a renewable energy provider, which will supply the company with renewable energy for its stores and offices.

In addition to renewable energy, Mulberry is also focused on reducing its energy consumption. The company has implemented energy-efficient lighting and heating systems in its stores and offices, and is working to reduce the energy used in its manufacturing processes.

Mulberry is also committed to reducing waste and increasing recycling. The company has implemented a closed-loop system for its leather goods, which allows it to reuse and recycle materials. Mulberry also works with its suppliers to reduce waste and increase recycling in its supply chain.

In terms of its supply chain, Mulberry is committed to ethical and sustainable sourcing. The company works with suppliers who meet its high standards for environmental and social responsibility. Mulberry also supports local communities through its supply chain, by working with small-scale producers and artisans.

Mulberry's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The company has a CSR team that works to ensure that its operations are socially responsible and sustainable. Mulberry also supports a number of charitable causes, including education and environmental conservation.

Overall, Mulberry Group plc is a company that is committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. Through initiatives such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste reduction, and ethical sourcing, Mulberry is working to create a more sustainable future for its customers, employees, and stakeholders.