Potential offtaker

Minnesota National Guard


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


The Minnesota National Guard is a branch of the United States Army that is headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota. The Minnesota National Guard is a state militia that has been in existence since 1856, and it is one of the oldest and most respected National Guard units in the country. The Minnesota National Guard is responsible for protecting the citizens of Minnesota, as well as supporting national defense efforts.

In recent years, the Minnesota National Guard has been working to reduce its carbon footprint and become more environmentally sustainable. The organization has recognized the importance of decarbonisation and has taken steps to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

One of the ways that the Minnesota National Guard has addressed decarbonisation is through the implementation of corporate energy initiatives. The organization has worked to reduce its energy consumption by implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices. This has included the installation of LED lighting, the use of energy-efficient HVAC systems, and the implementation of energy management systems.

The Minnesota National Guard has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to support renewable energy. The organization has entered into a long-term agreement to purchase renewable energy from a wind farm in Minnesota. This PPA will help the Minnesota National Guard to reduce its carbon footprint and support the growth of renewable energy in the state.

In addition to its corporate PPA, the Minnesota National Guard has also invested in renewable energy projects on its own properties. The organization has installed solar panels on several of its facilities, including the Camp Ripley Training Center. These solar panels generate clean energy and help to reduce the organization's reliance on fossil fuels.

The Minnesota National Guard has also worked to promote renewable energy within the community. The organization has partnered with local schools and community organizations to educate the public about the benefits of renewable energy and to encourage the adoption of clean energy technologies.

The Minnesota National Guard's commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy has not only helped to reduce its carbon footprint, but it has also helped to improve its bottom line. By reducing its energy consumption and investing in renewable energy, the organization has been able to save money on its energy bills and reduce its operating costs.

In addition to its environmental initiatives, the Minnesota National Guard is also committed to supporting the communities it serves. The organization has a strong history of community engagement and has worked to support local schools, charities, and other organizations.

Overall, the Minnesota National Guard is a respected and important institution in the state of Minnesota. Its commitment to decarbonisation and renewable energy is a reflection of its dedication to serving the people of Minnesota and protecting the environment for future generations. Through its corporate energy initiatives, corporate PPA, and investment in renewable energy, the Minnesota National Guard is setting an example for other organizations to follow and helping to create a more sustainable future for all.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's