Potential offtaker

Macrotech Developers Limited


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Macrotech Developers Limited is a leading real estate developer in India, with a strong presence in the Multi Asset Class Own & Develop sector. The company has a proven track record of delivering high-quality residential, commercial, and retail projects across the country. Macrotech Developers Limited is committed to sustainability and is actively working towards decarbonisation through the adoption of renewable energy and other sustainable practices.

The company has a dedicated Corporate Energy team that is responsible for managing the company's energy needs and implementing energy efficiency measures across its operations. Macrotech Developers Limited has also entered into Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers to ensure a steady supply of clean energy for its operations. These PPAs are a key component of the company's decarbonisation strategy and have helped it reduce its carbon footprint significantly.

Macrotech Developers Limited is committed to reducing its environmental impact and has set ambitious targets for decarbonisation. The company has pledged to reduce its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 and to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. To achieve these targets, the company is investing in renewable energy projects and implementing energy efficiency measures across its operations.

The company has also adopted a sustainable approach to its real estate projects. Macrotech Developers Limited incorporates green building practices in its projects, such as the use of energy-efficient materials, water conservation measures, and waste management systems. The company's commitment to sustainability has been recognized by several industry bodies, and it has received numerous awards for its sustainable practices.

Macrotech Developers Limited's Corporate Energy team is responsible for implementing the company's renewable energy strategy. The team works closely with renewable energy providers to identify suitable projects and negotiate Corporate PPAs. These agreements ensure a steady supply of clean energy for the company's operations and help reduce its carbon footprint.

The company has invested in several renewable energy projects, including solar and wind power plants. Macrotech Developers Limited has also installed rooftop solar panels in many of its buildings, which generate clean energy for its operations. The company's renewable energy projects have helped it reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and have contributed to its decarbonisation efforts.

Macrotech Developers Limited's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its Corporate PPA agreements. The company has entered into several long-term agreements with renewable energy providers, which ensure a steady supply of clean energy for its operations. These agreements have helped the company reduce its carbon footprint and have contributed to its decarbonisation efforts.

In addition to its renewable energy projects, Macrotech Developers Limited has implemented several energy efficiency measures across its operations. The company has installed energy-efficient lighting systems, HVAC systems, and building automation systems in many of its buildings. These measures have helped the company reduce its energy consumption and have contributed to its decarbonisation efforts.

Macrotech Developers Limited's commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation is driven by its belief in the importance of environmental stewardship. The company recognizes the impact of climate change on the planet and is committed to doing its part to mitigate its effects. Through its renewable energy projects, energy efficiency measures, and Corporate PPA agreements, Macrotech Developers Limited is working towards a more sustainable future.

In conclusion, Macrotech Developers Limited is a leading real estate developer in India that is committed to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company has a dedicated Corporate Energy team that is responsible for managing its energy needs and implementing energy efficiency measures across its operations. Macrotech Developers Limited has also entered into Corporate PPA agreements with renewable energy providers to ensure a steady supply of clean energy for its operations. The company's renewable energy projects, energy efficiency measures, and Corporate PPA agreements have helped it reduce its carbon footprint significantly and are a key component of its decarbonisation strategy. Macrotech Developers Limited's commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship is reflected in its sustainable real estate projects and has been recognized by several industry bodies.

✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment