Potential offtaker

Macalester College


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Macalester College is a private liberal arts college located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States of America. The college was founded in 1874 and has since then been providing quality education to its students. Macalester College is known for its commitment to academic excellence, diversity, and sustainability. The college has been recognized as one of the greenest colleges in the United States and has been awarded several accolades for its sustainability efforts.

Macalester College has a strong commitment to decarbonisation and has taken several initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint. The college has set a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025 and has taken several steps towards achieving this goal. The college has invested in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels. The college has also implemented energy-efficient measures such as LED lighting, smart thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances to reduce its energy consumption.

Macalester College has also taken steps towards corporate energy management by implementing a corporate energy policy. The policy outlines the college's commitment to reducing its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The policy also sets targets for energy reduction and outlines the strategies that the college will use to achieve these targets. The college has also established an energy management team that is responsible for implementing the policy and monitoring the college's energy consumption.

One of the key initiatives taken by Macalester College towards renewable energy is the implementation of a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA). The college has signed a PPA with a wind farm in Minnesota to purchase renewable energy credits (RECs) equivalent to the college's electricity consumption. The PPA has allowed the college to reduce its carbon footprint and support the development of renewable energy sources in the region. The college has also installed solar panels on its campus to generate renewable energy and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

Macalester College has also taken steps towards sustainable transportation by promoting biking and public transportation. The college has implemented a bike-sharing program that allows students and staff to borrow bikes for free. The college has also partnered with local transportation providers to offer discounted bus passes to students and staff. The college has also installed electric vehicle charging stations on its campus to encourage the use of electric vehicles.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, Macalester College is also committed to diversity and inclusion. The college has a diverse student body and offers several programs and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion on its campus. The college has also established several partnerships with local organizations to promote diversity and inclusion in the community.

Macalester College is known for its academic excellence and offers several programs in various disciplines. The college offers majors in over 40 disciplines and has a strong focus on interdisciplinary studies. The college also offers several study abroad programs that allow students to gain international experience and exposure to different cultures.

In conclusion, Macalester College is a private liberal arts college located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States of America. The college is committed to sustainability and has taken several initiatives towards decarbonisation and corporate energy management. The college has set a goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025 and has taken several steps towards achieving this goal. The college has also implemented a corporate PPA to purchase renewable energy credits and reduce its carbon footprint. The college is also committed to diversity and inclusion and offers several programs and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion on its campus. Macalester College is known for its academic excellence and offers several programs in various disciplines.

✓ Current offtaker under Corporate PPA's