Potential offtaker

Living Tomorrow NV

Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Living Tomorrow NV is a Belgian company that is dedicated to promoting innovation and sustainability in various industries. The company was founded in 1991 and has since then been at the forefront of creating a better tomorrow through its innovative and sustainable solutions. Living Tomorrow NV is an ideal example of a company that has been able to successfully integrate sustainability into its business model.

One of the primary areas of focus for Living Tomorrow NV is decarbonisation. The company recognises the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and has taken several steps towards achieving this goal. Living Tomorrow NV has implemented various measures to reduce its carbon footprint, such as investing in renewable energy sources and adopting energy-efficient technologies.

Renewable energy is a key focus area for Living Tomorrow NV. The company has invested heavily in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power. The company has also developed innovative solutions for energy storage, which allows it to store excess energy generated by renewable sources for later use. This not only helps to reduce the company's carbon footprint but also helps to reduce its reliance on traditional energy sources.

Corporate energy is another area of focus for Living Tomorrow NV. The company recognises the importance of energy efficiency in reducing carbon emissions and has implemented various measures to improve its energy efficiency. Living Tomorrow NV has adopted energy-efficient technologies such as LED lighting, smart heating and cooling systems, and energy-efficient appliances. The company has also implemented energy management systems to monitor and optimise its energy use.

Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) are also a key area of focus for Living Tomorrow NV. The company has signed several PPAs with renewable energy providers, which allows it to purchase renewable energy at a fixed price. This not only helps to reduce the company's carbon footprint but also helps to reduce its energy costs.

Living Tomorrow NV is committed to promoting sustainability not only within its own operations but also in the wider community. The company has developed several educational programmes to raise awareness about sustainability and encourage individuals and businesses to adopt sustainable practices. Living Tomorrow NV also collaborates with other organisations and government bodies to promote sustainability and drive change.

In conclusion, Living Tomorrow NV is a Belgian company that is dedicated to promoting innovation and sustainability. The company has taken several steps towards reducing its carbon footprint, including investing in renewable energy sources, adopting energy-efficient technologies, and implementing energy management systems. Living Tomorrow NV has also signed several PPAs with renewable energy providers and developed educational programmes to promote sustainability. The company is an ideal example of a business that has successfully integrated sustainability into its business model and is committed to creating a better tomorrow.