Potential offtaker

Krones AG


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Krones AG is a leading German company in the packaging machinery sector, with a focus on providing innovative solutions for the beverage and food industry. The company was founded in 1951 and has since then grown to become a global player with over 16,000 employees and a presence in more than 100 countries.

Krones AG has a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation, and has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint. The company recognises that climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing the world today, and is committed to doing its part to address this issue.

One of the key ways in which Krones AG is working towards decarbonisation is through its corporate energy strategy. The company has implemented a range of measures to reduce its energy consumption, including the use of energy-efficient machinery and the optimisation of its production processes. Krones AG has also invested in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

In addition to these measures, Krones AG has also implemented a corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) to further support its renewable energy goals. A PPA is a long-term contract between a company and a renewable energy provider, which guarantees a fixed price for the electricity generated by the provider. By entering into a PPA, Krones AG is able to secure a reliable and cost-effective source of renewable energy, while also supporting the growth of the renewable energy sector.

Krones AG has also taken a proactive approach to corporate social responsibility, and has implemented a range of initiatives to support the communities in which it operates. The company has a strong focus on employee wellbeing, and has implemented a range of measures to support the health and safety of its workforce. Krones AG also supports a range of charitable initiatives, including education and healthcare programmes in developing countries.

Overall, Krones AG is a leading player in the packaging machinery sector, with a strong commitment to sustainability and decarbonisation. The company is working towards reducing its carbon footprint through a range of measures, including the use of renewable energy sources and the implementation of a corporate PPA. Krones AG is also committed to supporting the communities in which it operates, and has implemented a range of initiatives to support employee wellbeing and charitable causes.