Potential offtaker

JCET Group Co., Ltd.


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


JCET Group Co Ltd-A is a leading semiconductor company based in China that specializes in the design, development, manufacturing, and sales of analog integrated circuits (ICs). The company has a global presence with operations in China, the United States, Europe, and Asia, and serves a wide range of industries such as automotive, consumer electronics, industrial, and healthcare.

JCET Group Co Ltd-A is committed to sustainability and decarbonization, and has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy. The company recognizes the importance of addressing climate change and is taking proactive steps to mitigate its impact on the environment.

One of the key initiatives undertaken by JCET Group Co Ltd-A is corporate energy management. The company has implemented a comprehensive energy management system that focuses on reducing energy consumption, improving energy efficiency, and promoting the use of renewable energy sources. The system includes energy audits, energy monitoring, and energy-saving measures such as the installation of energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems.

JCET Group Co Ltd-A has also entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers. These agreements allow the company to purchase renewable energy directly from the source, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and promoting the growth of renewable energy infrastructure. Through these PPAs, JCET Group Co Ltd-A has committed to sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025.

In addition to these initiatives, JCET Group Co Ltd-A has also invested in renewable energy projects such as solar and wind farms. The company recognizes that investing in renewable energy is not only good for the environment but also makes good business sense, as it can help to reduce energy costs and improve the company's bottom line.

JCET Group Co Ltd-A is also committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and has set ambitious targets to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The company is working to reduce its emissions through a combination of energy efficiency measures, renewable energy sourcing, and the use of low-carbon technologies.

In conclusion, JCET Group Co Ltd-A is a leading semiconductor company that is committed to sustainability and decarbonization. The company recognizes the importance of addressing climate change and is taking proactive steps to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy. Through initiatives such as corporate energy management, corporate PPAs, and investment in renewable energy projects, JCET Group Co Ltd-A is demonstrating its commitment to a more sustainable future.

✓ Declared Net Zero commitment