Potential offtaker

Hudson Pacific Properties


Estimated electricity consumption


Countries of production presence


Hudson Pacific Properties is a leading real estate investment trust (REIT) in the United States that specializes in owning, operating, and acquiring office and studio properties in select West Coast markets. The company has a portfolio of high-quality assets that includes iconic properties such as Sunset Gower Studios, Sunset Bronson Studios, and the historic Hollywood Center Studios. Hudson Pacific Properties is committed to sustainability and decarbonization, and has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy.

One of the key areas of focus for Hudson Pacific Properties is corporate energy management. The company has implemented a comprehensive energy management program that includes energy audits, benchmarking, and retrofits to improve the energy efficiency of its buildings. Through these efforts, Hudson Pacific Properties has been able to reduce its energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, while also lowering its operating costs.

In addition to energy efficiency, Hudson Pacific Properties is also committed to promoting renewable energy. The company has installed solar panels on several of its properties, including the Sunset Gower Studios and the Sunset Bronson Studios, which generate clean, renewable energy to power the buildings. Hudson Pacific Properties has also entered into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy providers to source a portion of its electricity from renewable sources. These PPAs have helped the company to reduce its carbon footprint and support the growth of renewable energy in the United States.

Hudson Pacific Properties is also committed to decarbonization, and has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon emissions. The company has pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from its operations by 2040, and has developed a roadmap to achieve this goal. The roadmap includes a range of initiatives, such as energy efficiency improvements, renewable energy installations, and the use of low-carbon materials in building construction and maintenance.

To support its decarbonization efforts, Hudson Pacific Properties has also joined several industry initiatives and partnerships. The company is a member of the Real Estate Roundtable's Sustainability Policy Advisory Committee, which provides guidance and recommendations on sustainability issues to the real estate industry. Hudson Pacific Properties is also a member of the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International's Net-Zero Energy Council, which is focused on advancing the adoption of net-zero energy buildings in the United States.

In addition to its sustainability efforts, Hudson Pacific Properties is also committed to corporate social responsibility. The company has a strong focus on community engagement and philanthropy, and has established a number of programs to support local communities. For example, the company has partnered with the Los Angeles Unified School District to provide job training and career development opportunities to students from underserved communities. Hudson Pacific Properties has also established a charitable foundation, the Hudson Pacific Properties Foundation, which supports a range of causes, including education, health, and the arts.

In conclusion, Hudson Pacific Properties is a leading real estate investment trust in the United States that is committed to sustainability, decarbonization, and corporate social responsibility. The company has implemented a range of initiatives to reduce its carbon footprint and promote renewable energy, and has set ambitious targets to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from its operations. Hudson Pacific Properties is also actively engaged in community engagement and philanthropy, and has established a number of programs to support local communities. With its strong focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility, Hudson Pacific Properties is well positioned to thrive in the rapidly evolving real estate industry.

✓ Re100 member
✓ Science Based Targets member
✓ Declared Net Zero commitment